This is very cool plugin where you can set spawn for red and blue team add people to teams and fight.
Plugin works now only in one world where you have spawns for teams.
After dead, they spawn in their set location. You can do whatever you want like skyblock fight or make two buldings and fight.
When player in team chat then he has prefixes :)
Plugin has custom formatting for chat so it might have problems with chat plugins. I just sayin' cus I didn't test it .
- People can use sign to join to team (v1.1)
- People can leave team using sign (v1.1)
- You can add someone using commands
- You can remove someone from team using commands
- You can set spawn for team red and blue
- For now you can only play in 1 world (v1.1)
- You can change color of prefix in config(v1.2)
- You can change name of prefix in config (v1.2)
- You can span to team's spawn (v1.4)
- Added "PeaceTime" config (v1.4)
- Added blocking attacking teamMates (v1.4)
- Added automatically spawning on player added to team (v1.5)
- Tags above player's head are now coloured (v1.6)
- On leave sign, it backs to spawn of world
Here you have some commands to use :)
- /sbr setspawn red - Sets spawn for team red
- /sbr setspawn blue - Sets spawn for team blue
- /sbr add red [PlayerName] - Adds player to red team
- /sbr add blue [PlayerName] - Adds player to blue team
- /sbr remove player [PlayerName] - Removes player from team
- /respawn - spawns to your team spawn.(v1.4)
- /sbr - help for command.(v1.4)
- /sbr pvp true/false - turns off or on pvp for teams.(v1.4)
Here you have some permissions:
- sbr.setspawn - allows to set spawn
- sbr.addmember - allows to add player to team
- sbr.removemember - allows to remove player from team
- sbr.createsign - can create sign to add or remove player
- sbr.addsign - player can join to team
- sbr.leavesign - player can leave the team
- sbr.respawn - player can respawn using command(v1.4)
- SetSpawnRedMsg: Spawn for red team is set
- SetSpawnBlueMsg: Spawn for blue team is set
- AddMemberRedMsg: Added new member for red team
- AddMemberBlueMsg: Added new member for blue team
- RemoveMemberMsg: Removed member from team
- SpawnNotExists: This spawn not exists
- AttackedTeamMate: This is your TeamMate! Dont attack him!
- AttackOnPeace: Its peace time!, Now is pvp off for teams
- PeaceTime: false
- ColorNameBlue: blue
- ColorNameRed: red
- prefixblue: blue
- prefixred: red
List of available colors for :
- ColorNameBlue:
- ColorNameRed: listOfColors
SIGNS == (v1.1)
player can join to team blue (if he has permission)
player can join to team red (if he has permission)
player can leave team red (if he has permission)
- Colored names on tab(took from config color)
- maybe lobby
- tracking the highest kills score for teams
- Maybe I'll add automatic adding people in team to wg regions.
- add some rewards for killing.
This plugin uses MCSTATS to see how many servers have this plugin and how many players uses this.
You can turn off it if you want.
Except it needs multiple arenas!
Finally what i was looking for! Please keep it updated!
hi, you dont seem to active but theres a few issues/suggestions firstly im having issues with people on the same team being able to pvp how can i stop this?
suggestions: - scoreboard system - worldgaurd integration (or its on protection) - per group permission nodes - so i could give team red certain nodes for example
hi please update for 1.5 and i have errors with prefixes not showing up
Jest mały problem wpisuję /sbr pvp false i nadal moge atakowac sojusznikow Wpisywałem terz /sbr pvp true Czy morzesz mi pomuc?
Wielkie dzieki bardzo mi pomógł twój plugin. I bardzo dziękuję za szybką odpowieć.
Nie mogą.
Czy można atakować sojuszników? Jeżeli morzna to proszę popraw to.
So you want me to add friendly fire switch to config ?
Can you help me? because friendly fire seems to be on, no matter what I try, and I love the simplicity, but there is no point if there is friendly fire.
Spoko plugin :)
Can you add an option to disable/enable this? <I added automaticaly spawning to location after added someone to team.>
Thanks for your work... ;)
I'll try do my best to make it works. It should work fine.'s not easy to fix this because I don't know what caused this issue.
And for a command block like in my video?
Today I have made changes for making tag api to make colors above player's head.
Don't worry about lobby, because I'm going to add this feature. About wg region I have to learn how can I make cuboids or add support for wg regions.
When you make a updating? Maybe with lobby... Or wg region pls
Cuboidy będą robione jak będę umiał je robić :P
Mam pytanie czy moglbys dodac do tego pluginu np. cuboidy dla kazdej z grup np. druzyna czerwony ma 100x100 i tak samo niebiescy ? Jeśli tak to prosze o sybie dodanie takiego czegos
Hey, here is my video, watch it pls