Sky Hook
Sky Hook
What is Sky Hook?
Sky Hook is a plugin for fun, where you can sling via hookable things (can't get the word atm), this plugin is pretty basic and easy to use. I want to keep this plugin easy! I got the idea from BioShock infinite.
How to install?
This plugin is easy to install, just place the SkyHook.jar in your plugins folder, reload the server and voila you can use it!
- SkyHook.use - to use the hook.
- - to use the '/skyhook help' command.
How to use?
- /skyhook help
First of all you got to craft the hook:
Then you need to right click with the hook at a hookable thing:
And you will then sling your way.
How did I get the idea?
I was watching a BioShock infinite video, where they showed SkyRail. And I tought: "Wow that's awesome let's make a plugin (Me gusta)". And so I began to make this pretty simple plugin :p
Video('s) Created by: ME :) [English] Created by: RapidMotionGaming [English] Created by: Sanny0KTV [Russian]
Known bugs
None as of know! Report if you found one!
I just love It But add this code for no fall damage from it:
public void onFallDamage(EntityDamageEvent event){
if(event.getEntity() instanceof Player){
Player p = (Player)event.getEntity();
if(event.getCause() == DamageCause.FALL{
if(p.getItemInHand().getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase("Sky hook")){
I made the SkyHook and I made the cobble wall and the fence under it and when I right-click it nothing happens. How can I fix this. Please need an answer.
I really enjoy your plugin and it's a nice edition to my bioshock themed server :) , however it would be cool if you could make a track you right click to get on and off [whilst fall damage reduction is being applied] like in the real game! Just an idea :D
Yeah, but the glass sometimes appears above the player and we can't go up.
The reason the glass block is there to let the player stand on it.
Well, i have tryed this out. only event reacting, is standing within 2 blocks of the tower with the hook at. From there, i have never been able to jump to the next one, cause there is the problem again. It doesnt react. When i stand below another hook, it started on putting glassblocks above me, preventing going up to the hook. Not very smart and i dont know why it is placed there to stop anything passing.
If the player is in a radius of 2 blocks near the hookable thing it will shoot them in the air, if they are outside it should work fine.
I'm liking the idea, but with the mod<sub>it kinds of launches you up in the air. Like it sends you flying the direction of the hooks, but usually shoots you up too far in the air. Maybe you can nerf that a bit.</sub>
I'll add that in the next update didn't think of that..
being able to turn off the regen would be great. In a MCMMO server this can spam acrobatics like mad, but without the regen they really can't.
and maybe use iron bars instead of fences so more expensive for survival players?
i think you need to test the plugin more cuz now when i to try to slid on the thing i fall to much and i cant reach the next one and i get stuck in the fences. its good for travel if you use it as a ground hook and if you can, i think you should make a config for the speed/thrust?
Slinging doesnt really work, too fast and trows you too high up. can u nerf it so it doesnt lkift u up in the air? other then that great plugin.
Can you add the Feature to Change the hookable things like a whitelistf for blocks
whats the crafting recipe nothing shows up...
This would actually seem awesome for parkour/Legend-of-Zelda servers. Or any server as a matter of fact.
My only three suggestions are to be able to change what the schematics of the "Hookable Thing" (e.g. it can be made out of two different blocks), to be able to change the name, recipe, and ID of the hook itself, and for the hook to lose a configurable amount of durability (with 0 meaning no durability loss).
Are you french ? ^^
The hookable object is the thing at the last screenshot.. It's a cobble wall with a fence under it. You right click the fence.
makes me think of the grapple on zelda.
cool plugin.
What are hookable objects? I crafted the skyhook but I can't get it to "fire" at anything.