



I am currently updating SkittlesChat to v2.0 to allow for much more customization as well as a better overall function.

What It Does

SkittlesChat is a Chat Per World plugin that allows a user to pick between global chat and world chat. On join the player is assigned to the global chat. The player then will be able to switch between global and world chat at their own pleasure! Players in world chat will see a green [World] message before their name, so they know what chat they're in! Admins can also have a permissions that allows them to send messages that will broadcast to the server, and permission to view all messages sent (Will soon add support to show which world).

Commands And Permissions


  • /SkittlesChat <Global | World>
  • That is the only command, and it's fairly obvious what it does!
  • !sgc
  • While not a command, putting !sgc before your message (if you have skittleschat.bypass) will allow you to broadcast to the whole server!


  • skittleschat.change
  • Allows a player to switch between global and world chat.
Admin Permissions
  • skittleschat.spy
  • Spy allows a player to view all the messages being sent through all the world on the server.
  • skittleschat.bypass
  • Allows a player to put a message that is not assigned to a specific chat.


I will try to keep this plugin updated and will attempted to add more features soon. Some I plan to add soon include:

  • Support for admins to see a world a player is typing from.
  • Lookup command to lookup the chat a player is in.

Skittles Server

Example Server

Skittles Server is my server, that I run with Sni_In_A_Box (I am Day1nDay0ut), and I made this plugin as I was unable to find a Chat Per World plugin that did exactly what we wanted. I made this plugin so that our players could experience a Chat Per World as many players had asked for.

Feel free to join and test the plugin before you download, at Also be sure to visit our website at!


We would like to thank all donators to the server and would appreciate any donations received as they help fund the Skittles Server!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 11, 2013
  • Last Released File
    May 24, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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