Skilltree - Talentbaum

Talentbaum is a usefull Plugin to up your RPG Server.



It's purpose is to give XP and Playerlevels a meaning by implementing an Experience-Shop!

That shop is accessible by rightclicking with the "Talentbaum"-Item, which every Players has in his Inventory.



This Plugin currently doesn't have any commands. Everything is configurable in the config.yml file.



There is only a single permission implemented, to allow the use of this Plugin:

- talentbaum.use




# config.yml walkthrough

# configure the item which is used to open the Skilltree
  # the ID is used to define the item's ID
  id: 403
  # this name will be the name of the item
  name: '&3Talentbaum'
  # you can add a single line lore to the item
  lore: '&aLearn new skills!'
  # the slot defines the slot of the inventory the item will be in, 
  # from the very left (1) to the very right (9)
  slot: 9

# configure the inventory itself
  # this will be the name of the inventory which appears in the top left corner
  name: '&7Talentbaum'
  # select the number of rows you want the inventory to have 
  # - small chest: 3, double chest: 6
  rows: 2

# configure the item that will show whenever you've bought a skill
  # the ID is used to define the item's ID
  id: 1
  # by writing '%ITEMNAME%' the name of the item will stay the same as before it was bought
  name: '%ITEMNAME%'
  # you can write a multiline lore
  # every line that has an '%ITEMLORE%' will stay the same as the original item
  # line 1 will stay the same
  - '%ITEMLORE%'
  # line 2 will stay the same
  - '%ITEMLORE%'
  # line 3 will be replaced by 'BOUGHT!' colored in red
  - '&4BOUGHT!'

# configure the items that will be shown in the inventory
  # this item will appear in slot 1 of the inventory
    # its ID will be 301 (leather boots)
    id: 301
    # its name will be 'Sneakers' colored in yellow
    name: '&eSneakers'
    # you can have a multiline lore
    # just remember if you've bought that skill some rows might be replaced
    # (in our case the third row which shows the price)
    # wont be replaced
    - 'You can buy yourself a pair of new sneakers'
    # wont be replaced
    - 'You can feel how they will improve your speed'
    # will be replaced by 'BOUGHT!' colored in red
    - '&3Price: 5 lvl'
    # there are two effects that can be changed 'speed' and 'damage'
    effect: speed
    # the player will walk 25% faster / 1.25 times his original walkspeed
    # ATTENTION! with the speed multiplier you can only go as high as 5.0
    # but you can also use values between 0 and 1
    # this will only make the player slower than regular speed
    effValue: 1.25
    # to learn that skill the player has to pay with 5 levels
    cost: 5
  # this item will appear in the second slot of the inventory
    id: 305
    name: '&eRunning Shoes'
    - 'These running shoes were made to run with'
    - 'Your speed will increase &aeven more'
    - '&3Price: 7 lvl'
    effect: speed
    # if you learn this skill your default speed will be multiplied by 1.33
    effValue: 1.33
    cost: 7
    # here you can add dependencies
    # in our case, I don't want the player to be directly able to buy the 33% speed skill
    # I want him to first have to learn the skill of the item in slot 1
    # thats why I wrote a '1'
    - 1
    id: 309
    name: '&eHermes Shoes'
    - 'These shoes once belonged to Hermes'
    - 'He is the god of speed'
    - '&3Price: 10 lvl'
    effect: speed
    effValue: 1.5
    cost: 10
    # dependencies are not limited to a single one
    # you can either say it depends on the item in slot 1 and 2
    # or you might aswell only use slot 2 because item 2 depends on item 1 anyways
    - 1
    - 2
  # this item will be in the first slot of the second row / the tenth slot
    id: 268
    name: '&ePush Ups'
    - 'You can train your body'
    - 'This training will increase your damage by 25%'
    - '&3Price: 10 lvl'
    # the damage effect is used to increas the damage a player does to other entities
    # this is not dependant on any item
    effect: damage
    # the default damage a player does will be increased by 25% / multiplied by 1.25
    effValue: 1.25
    cost: 5
    id: 272
    name: '&ePull Ups'
    - 'You can train your body'
    - 'This training will increase your damage by 50%'
    - '&3Price: 10 lvl'
    effect: damage
    # with the damage multiplier you can go as high as you want
    effValue: 1.5
    cost: 10
    - 10




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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 10, 2018
  • Last Released File
    Sep 26, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License

