Simple Warp

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With this plugin you can easily create warp points, delete them, teleport to them or list all warp points.

If you need any assistance or if you have a Feature suggestion, write me an E-Mail at [email protected], I'd love to hear from you :)


- /warp <warpname> - Teleports you to a warppoint
- /setwarp <warpname> - Creates a warppoint
- /delwarp <warpname> - Deletes a warppoint
- /warps - Lists all warppoint
- /warpversion - Displays current plugin version

- /position <position | list | del> - This command can be used to save positons. So the coordinates at which the player is standing will be saved. 
- /position <NameOfThePosition> - Creates a new position or displays an existing position by name
- /position list - Displays all positions that have been saved
- /position del <NameOfThePosition> - Deletes a set position

- /pm <add | remove | list> <player> [permission] - Allows you to use the integrated permission system if enabled in Warps.yml

The plugin now also features a "per-warp-permission System". That means if you enable "RequirePermissionForEachWarp" in your Warps.yml Config, every Warp Point gets an individual Permission that follows this scheme: "simplewarp.warp.WARPNAME". (You have to replace WARPNAME with the exact name of your warp point). Only players with the correct permissions can see and use the warp points.

You can now set Default Warp Point permissions in the Permission.yml file.
Note: Only simplewarp permissions can be set by default. Other Permissions in the Permission.yml file will be ignored.

The new Integrated Permission Manager allows you to manage SimpleWarp permissions without the need of an external Permission System. To use this, set "IntegratedPermissionSystem" in your "Warps.yml" to "true"
Please note that only SimpleWarp permissions can be set via the integrated permission manager.


- (simplewarp.warp.WARPNAME)
- simplewarp.warp
- simplewarp.delwarp
- simplewarp.setwarp
- simplewarp.warps
- simplewarp.position

- simplewarp.position
- simplewarp.position.create
- simplewarp.position.view
- simplewarp.position.list
- simplewarp.position.del

- simplewarp.permissionmanager

You can find the source-code on my GitHub or GitLab repository


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 13, 2020
  • Last Released File
    Aug 16, 2024
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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