

You can disable the UnknownCommand-Message (Uc-Messages) completly or set a custom message for it. The CommandCorrection trys to find a smilar command to the entered one. If you want to hide command (the Uc-Message will be shown) add it in the config to hide commands-

  • You can use color codes (&c, &3, &4, ...)
  • Use 2 single quotes for one single quote ingame

How to prevent the Uc-Messages?

prevent-messages: true

How to set a custom Uc-Message?


message: '&cUnknown Command.'


First, set random-messages to true and then add your messages:

- '&4Message 1'
- '&2Message 2'
- '&cMessage 3'
- '&3Message 4'
- '&4Message 5'

How to use the command correction?

First set enabled under the command correction to true, then you can change the success message (when a smilar command was found) and the message when no smilar command was found. The command correction only corrects to commands the player has permissions for. (see Known caveats for more info). You can whitelist these commands so that they are also shown to the player when he doesn't have permissions.

  • Use %command to replace with the found smilar command (only for success message)
  enabled: true
  success: '&6Did you mean: "&c%command%&6"?'
  failed: 'No command was found'
  - help

How to hide commands?

When you hide commands the Uc-Message is shown when a player enters these commands. Make sure that you have the exempt permissions or you won't be able to use these commands anymore. First set enabled to true and then add your commands.

  enabled: true
  - nick
  - simpleuc

You have done the configuration! If you have some questions look at the Example-Configuration or write a comment on the Main-Page.