SimpleSpawn Reborn

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


At one time, my SimpleSpawn plugin reached the top 100 most used plugins according to But I let it fall by the wayside, and it became abandoned.... and now someone else has a plugin called SimpleSpawn :/

But now the original, official SimpleSpawn is BACK! And with a whole new look!


Download the ZIP file version, including all modules, via SpigotMC




What is SimpleSpawn?

This simple plugin provides a simple way for server admins to manage /spawn locations and to allow players to set their own home locations, in a modular format.

The plugin is split into several modules:


The base plugin required by all other modules. This plugin on its own provides /spawn and /setspawn commands to set spawn points for each world and "/setspawn default" to set the spawn point for new players when they join


Allows players to use /home and /sethome to set their death respawn location and teleport to it.


Like /home and /sethome, but with /work and /setwork so players can set a teleport location in their mine


A simple /back command that takes you back to your last death point, or to the last place you teleported from


Like /home and /sethome, but with /warp and /setwarp so admins can set warp locations for their players


A full jail system so admins can set a jail location with /setjail and /jail or /release players at their discretion. Jailed players cannot teleport or interact with the world until released. Released players are sent to the default spawn location to start their rehabilitation.


Teleport to another player, but not without their permissions, using /tpto and /tpaccept

More Coming Soon...

I plan to add more modules to this plugin, such as ECONOMY. If you have a suggestion for a command that would fit with this theme, please let me know in the comments.


When using /home or /spawn or /work you can choose to have a teleport effect to tell other players they have teleported. Options include Lightning, Ender Signal, Smoke and Flames.

This is a very lightweight plugin, using SQLite to store all data in one compact file.

If players do not have access to /sethome, using any bed will set their /home location.


  • Spawn Commands
  • Home Commands
  • Work Commands
  • Jail / Release Commands
  • Back Command
  • Warp Commands
  • TpTp and TPAccept Commands


  • Download and extract the jar files you want
  • Put the SimpleSpawn-Core.jar file in your /plugins folder
  • Add other jar files depending on which modules you wish to use
  • Reload your plugins/server

Other Projects

See my Other Projects

Errors / Bugs / FeatureRequests

If you find errors / bugs please open a ticket and give detailed information about bukkit/spigot/paper/whatever else version, and plugin version. If possible also Error Log Snippets.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 15, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 24, 2019
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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