Commands and Permissions

Command Aliases Description Permission Node
/report [text] none Report something
/getreports <ID> greports, greps Get a list of IDs or information about the specified report SimpleReportsEx.getreports
/solvereport [ID] sreport, srep Solve a report and set it as inactive. It will no longer appear in the list of active reports. SimpleReportsEx.solvereport
/tpreport [ID] tprep Teleport to the specified report SimpleReportsEx.tpreport
/deletereport [ID] delreport, delrep Delete the specified report (WARNING: Cannot be undone!) SimpleReportsEx.deletereport
/purgereports none Deletes all inactive reports from the file or the SQL-table (WARNING: Cannot be undone!) SimpleReportsEx.purgereports
/sre reload simplereportsex reload Reload the config SimpleReportsEx.reload


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