
This Plugin is currently in the beta, please report bugs in the "Issues" tab on the github repository. 


This is a Simple Plugin to manage the Permissions on your Server.

The Plugin also has a simple Group Management system.



Players can be assigned to Groups, to inherit the Groups permissions.




  • /spadd <user> <permission> - This command add a Permssion for a specific Player.
  • /spremove <user> <permission> - This command removes a Permission from a specific Player.
  • /sptemp <user> <permission> <time> - This command gives a Player a specific Permission for a limited Time.
  • /spget <user> <permission> - See if a Player has a specific permission.
  • /spgadd <name> <level> - This command creates a new Group with a new security level.
  • /spgpadd <group> <permission> - This command adds a permission to a specific Group.
  • /spgpremove <group> <permission> - This command removes a permission from a specific Group.
  • /spgdel <name> - This command deletes a specific Group entirely.
  • /spglist - This command displays you all Groups that have been created.
  • /spgplist <group> - This command displays all permissions that are assigned to a specific Group.
  • /spgpladd <player> <group> - This command adds a Player to a specific Group.
  • /spgplrem <player> <group> - This command removes a Player from a specific Group.
  • /spgplget <player> <group> - See if a Player is in a specific Group.
  • /spgpllist <group> ["offlinemode"] - Displays all the Players that are in a specific Group. If Players are offline, use th second parameter.



- simpleperms.groups.add

- simpleperms.groups.permission.add

- simpleperms.add

- simpleperms.add.temp

- simpleperms.groups.delete

- simpleperms.get

- simpleperms.groups.player.get

- simpleperms.groups.list

- simpleperms.groups.permissions.list

- simpleperms.groups.player.list

- simpleperms.groups.permission.remove

- simpleperms.remove

- simpleperms.groups.player.add

- simpleperms.groups.player.remove




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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 27, 2021
  • Last Released File
    Jun 27, 2021
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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