Simple Pack

Simple Pack

What is Simple Pack?

Simple Pack is a plugin that contains multiple commands to do many things on your server.

Why is it the best?

Simple Pack is a smaller plugin than some other ones and takes up very little space on your server!

How to install Simple Pack

1. Click downlaod in the top right corner

2. Drag the .jar file into your plugins folder on your server

3. Run or restart yor server

How it works

Each command has its own permision so people can get certain commands and not be able to use the other ones. For example if you want people to only be allowed to use /kill and /heal, the you give them just the permisions kill.use and heal.use. You do need a seperate permision plugin such as PermissionsEX or Group Manager to assign permisions to players.

All the Simple Pack commands!

commandPermissionWhat it does
/killkill.useKill yourself
/healheal.useHeal yourself
/feedfeed.useFeed yourself
/speedspeed.useWalk or run faster
/hidehide.useHide from other players
/nightvisionnightvision.useSee in the dark
/fishfish.useBreathe underwater
/digdig.useDig faster
/firefire.useBe able to walk through fire or swim in lava
/blindblind.useMake yourself blind
/jumpjump.useJump higher
/safesafe.useProtect yourself from other players
/confuseconfuse.useBecome confused
/spclearspclear.useRemove all your current potions

Have a problem?

Leave a comment or a ticket for me to look at.


If you have any ideas for me to add to this plugin like more commands, or whatever then just leave a comment below and I will look at it as soon as I can. Then you never know but your idea might be in the next version of Simple Pack!


Add on/off commands v.1.1

-Add cooldown time for commands

Add permission for /spclear v.1.2

Add /confuse command v.1.3

Add /burn command v.1.4

Edit potion times(how long the potion lasts) v.1.4

Make it so you jump alot higher! v.1.4

Make /speed command faster v.1.4

Make /dig command dig faster v.1.4


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 20, 2013
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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