
New Configuration-Format

The new configurationformat allows an easier creation of new items like fireworks or potions.
Each kit has now its own file with the ".kit" extension.

Example: Admin.kit

#Template // The kit is not available to players but can be included in other kits
#Include GoldArmor // The template imports an other template / kit
#Description "AdminKit description .... (Can only be seen by me [the admin :D])" // A description that can be viewed by an admin or if it isn't a template by the player
#Cooldown 3 days 5 seconds // A cooldown-timer for the kit (leave out for no cooldown)

Item Log:Oak // An item to be included in this kit
Tool Sword:Iron Name Strength:2 Loot:2 // A tool like a sword or something else with entchantments
Potion FireResistance:2 5 // 5 potions with fireresistance 2


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