

Version 1.3

(Thanks to N07070 for the logo) SimpleCountDown is a plugin which allows server admins to create a countdown timer. This countdown timer can perform commands aswell at the end. (Follow me on twitter for updates!)

Do you want to make a simple countdown timer for a certain event? Well this plugin will allow you to, and will have a lot of simple commands which make life as a server admin very pleasurable.

How does it work?

When you want to create a event where you need a countdown timer, you use the /countdown start <time> [commands] command. The time can be specified in seconds, minutes or hours. For example: 10s or 14m or 2h. When you want to pause the timer, because there is something wrong with a event, you use /countdown pause. When you think it's ok to resume, use /countdown resume. If you want to completely stop the countdown timer, just type /countdown stop. Maybe some players want to get information about the time. That's rather easy. They just type /countdown status. This will show them if there is a countdown timer running or if it's paused/stopped. It will also show the time left if the timer is running.


  • Very simple but reliable
  • Uses colour codes
  • Use certain shortkeys ($player$, $duration$)
  • Simple commands
  • Very straightforward
  • Uses permissions (or OP if no permissions plugin is found)
  • Highly configurable


  • /simplecountdown Shows basic information about SimpleCountDown.
  • /sc Alias to /simplecountdown
  • /sc help Shows a list of commands.
  • /countdown start <time> [commands] Starts a countdown timer with a certain time and IF specified, it will perform the given commands at the end of the timer. Example: /countdown start 10s will start a timer which will stop after 10 seconds. /countdown start 10m herobrine will stop the timer after 10 minutes and will perform the commands specified in the config with the name 'herobrine'.
  • /countdown pause|resume Pauses or resumes the countdown timer.
  • /countdown stop Stops the countdown timer completely and will reset the time.
  • /countdown status Shows basic information about the countdown timer running. (Status of countdown timer, time left until countdown timer will end)


  • scd.countdown.start Allows a player to start a countdown
  • scd.countdown.stop Allows a player to stop a countdown
  • scd.countdown.pause Allows a player to pause a countdown
  • scd.countdown.resume Allows a player to resume a countdown
  • scd.countdown.status Allows a player to get the status of a countdown
  • scd.admin Allows a player to perform the '/simplecountdown' command


Click here!


Start of a countdown. Status of a countdown Stop of a countdown Countdown ended


I'm a poor student and I'm developing this plugin in my free-time, if you like my plugin and want to help me, please donate. Donating is the best way to help me out, it goes towards more bug-fixing. Thanks! Donate is in the top right corner. ;)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 16, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 17, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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