Easy-to-use coin management system.
Includes an API for using the plugin as a library.
Description (long)
SimpleCoins makes it easy for you to manage an individual coin account for every player on the server. Add, remove or set the amount of coins of a player.
The plugin includes an easy-to-use API for developing your own plugins, for games or shops or whatever you want.
You can configure every aspect of the plugin, from messages to the name of the coins.
Also supports MySQL databases.
You can find commands, how-to's and much more in the Wiki.
Features (short)
Fully configurable
Coins are nameable
MySQL Support
Easy to use
API for developers
- Vault support (v0.3)
- PlaceholderAPI support (v0.5)
More to come!
Upcoming features
Better API documentation
Ideas? Suggest new features!
- Development is happening on Github
is this a economy plugin
U will update?
Not long, but yes
It will take time to add vault?
Yeah ok I will look what I can do :)
For minigames, scoreboards using Vault. It's very important.
Yes, but why?
Could you add Vault Support?