
Here are the infos about the configuration:
Full color support!

  advertise: 50
  # The basic price for an advertise
  letter: 1
  # The additional price per letter
  # No color codes supported!
  priceinfo: You have to pay <advertiseprice> + <letterprice> per letter
  # Variables, only in this message available!!
  # <advertiseprice> = the price the user has to pay for the advertice (price.advertise)
  # <letterprice> = the price the user has to pay for each letter (price.letter)
  usage: Usage: /advertise <text>
  paidinfo: You paid <price> - New Balance: <balance>
  # Variables, only in this message available!!
  # <price> = price the user paid
  # <balance> = the new balance of the user
  nomoney: You do not have enough money!
  advertisefree: You can advertise for free!
  advertiseprefix: [Advertise - <player>]
  # this is shown when the advertise is broadcasted
  # <player> = playername, without chat formatting
  reload: Configuration reloaded.
  nopermission: You don't have permisson to perform this command.
  # color: red / &c


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