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    Apr 25, 2013
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    29.35 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.5.1-R0.2


1.4 -Fixed exploit where all players could enable/disable mobs. -Added Economy Support through Vault (false by default so go into the config and set it to true.) -The Plugin can run without Vault, but you won't be able to charge money to capture mobs, stay tuned for a near future update where we will allow you to charge items to capture a mob instead. -Custom Prices Per Mob(make sure you enable CostOverride for the mob). -Added a /SMCreload command to reload the plugin's config without restarting the server.


!!!!!YOU NEED TO DELETE YOUR CONFIG.YML so it can generate a whole new one, as it has been changed a lot.!!!!!

-Added UpdateChecker for new versions -added the /smcversion command to check in-game if an update is available for SMC -improved logic -better memory management -added option to config.yml to let you change which items users use to catch mobs using item ID Numbers -corrected grammar for mob capture. -made mob capture player output prettier and easier to understand -added commands to enable/disable mobs -made the config.yml easier to manage and understand -simplified the permissions to use mobnames instead of the mob id's.


-verification for 1.4.7. Also now properly using bukkit and craftbukkit


-changed permissions from simplemobcatcher.* to smc.* to make it more manageable. -improved the logic -added config.yml that lets you enable or disable catching of a mob server-wide! -added per-mob-catch permissions


-Improved the logic of determining mobType and mobID. -Improved feedback messages. -Started preparing for economy and perMobcatch permissions


-added permissions!


-First Plugin Release, this is the beta. -Hit a mob with a stick and get an egg!(Right click)
