
There is a huge "access" system in Simple Factions. Most people probably won't use it; but it will be extremely useful for those who do.

/sf access <type(p/r/f)> <name(player/rank/faction)> <block(block)> <allow(truce/false)> <this chunk only?(true/false)>

To explain how this works, I'm going to write a few example usage commands and explain what they do.

  • /sf access p PlayerName grass false false - This will make it so that the player PlayerName is not allowed to access GRASS anywhere in the faction land, ever. They will be unable to place grass, destroy grass, or even place blocks on or around grass blocks.
  • /sf access f factionName dirt false true - This will make it so that the faction factionName will not be able to access DIRT blocks on the chunk that this command was issued. This only is in effect on the chunk it was used!
  • /sf access r member chest false true - This will make it so that members of a faction (not officers or leaders) will not be allowed to access chest blocks in the chunk that this command was issued. This only works if chest blocks are not already defined in the server config.

To further elaborate, you cannot define restrictions on enemies. If you, for example, try to make it so that chests cannot be accessed by an enemy faction; and the server owner has defined that chests are always unprotected (by default), then your access definition will be invalid. It will just be ignored.


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