
SilentKill v3.0 - Elemental arrows, Exploding players & More!

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Poison arrows do not work in this version, I forgot to check the code before uploading and there's a bug in it. It's already fixed in v3.5, but I can't upload that version yet since it's not finished.

Finally! Version 3.0 is out and stable. SilentKill's original purpose is to cancel death messages so you can get your hands dirty without anyone knowing! Well, I went a little out of my way and added a few more awesome features :D. Now with elemental arrows and exploding players! What's an elemental arrow you ask? Find out more below! I promise, you won't be sorry (;


- Epic, fully functional, non-destruction elemental arrows!

- Lightweight

- Easy to use, now with /silentkill you can easily enable and disable all arrows!

Commands, Permissions, & Instructions

Anything inside the "<>" is needed for the command to function, if it is not used right you will

get a usage error.

Anything inside the "[]" is optional. Usually this is if you want to toggle another players elemental arrows.


ATTENTION: How to use elemental arrows - Use the command once to enable, use it again to disable.


description: Kills the targeted player without broadcasting a death-message.

usage: /<command> <player>

aliases: [x, ex, eliminate]

permission: silentkill.others.expire


description: Marks the targeted player which allows for a silent-kill.

usage: /<command> <player>

aliases: [mk, greenlight, gl]

permission: silentkill.others.mark


description: Unmarks the targeted player. This will allow death-messages.

usage: /<command> <player>

aliases: [umk]

permission: silentkill.others.mark


description: Enables you or the selected player to have explosive arrows.

usage: /<command> [player]

aliases: [rpg, launcher, boomarrow, splodearrow]

permission: silentkill.arrows.rocket


description: Explodes the targeted player.

usage: /<command> <player>

aliases: [boom, splode]

permission: silentkill.others.explode


description: Enables you or the selected player to have electric arrows.

usage: /<command> [player]

aliases: [sthor, sstrike, light, lightarrow]

permission: silentkill.arrows.lightning


description: Enables you or the selected player to have arrows that slow your enemy.

usage: /<command> [player]

aliases: [turtle, slowness, slowarrow]

permission: silentkill.arrows.slowness


description: Enables you or the selected player to have arrows that poison your enemy.

usage: /<command> [player]

aliases: [pois, sick, sicknessarrow]

permission: silentkill.arrows.poison


description: Enables you or the selected player to have arrows that freeze a block when hit.

usage: /<command> [player]

aliases: [ice, coldarrow]



description: Enables you or the selected player to have arrows that freeze a block when hit.

usage: /<command> [player]

aliases: [firegod, firerain, fire, lavaarrow]

permission: silentkill.arrows.lava


description: Enables all effects on arrows or disables all, plus unmarks all players.

usage: /<command> [player]

aliases: [skl, all, reset]

permission: silentkill.silentkill


description: Enables you or the selected player to have arrows that blind your enemy.

usage: /<command> [player]

aliases: [blindess, blindarrow]

permission: silentkill.arrows.blindness


description: Enables you or the selected player to have arrows that that teleport you to there hit-location.

usage: /<command> [player]

aliases: [tparrow, tpshot, endarrow, jumparrow, looper]

permission: silentkill.arrows.teleport

Other Permissions

- silentkill.* = Access to all of SilentKill's features

- silentkill.arrows.* = Access to all arrows

- silentkill.others.* = Access to expire, mark, unmark, and explode


1) Download SilentKill.ZIP or .Jar (Depends what site you download from)

2) Extract the SilentKill.ZIP file to your server plugins folder or move the .Jar file to your plugins folder

3) Restart your server

4) Mark your target using the command.

5) Once you've killed them, choose to leave them marked or you can unmark them. (Read commands if you do not understand this)

SilentKill OP Server

Donations go straight towards making the new official SilentKillOP server!

Customized plugins so it's grief proof!

Awesome plugins like this one will be FREE and EULA compliant!

Ranks will be based on time you spend on the server!

or purchasable by in game money!

Help, Support, & Bugs!

This is the third version of the plugin SilentKill. Something I would consider a bug is, in minigames players can use the elemental arrows

if they go in with them enabled. I would suggest, make a different world and in that world block SilentKill. Hopefully this would disable the arrows.

Recommended plugin for this: PerWorldPlugins

Easy to configure and works!

Email: [email protected]

Plans for future versions

- Clean up code (Code is as neat as could be C:)

- Remove the need to add the permission "silentkill.victim" to the victim's list of permissions. (DONE :D)

- Get suggestions from users (0/10)

- Figure out how to add a config.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 11, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Nov 15, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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