
Configuration file contains these plugin-related settings; the reported values are default, you can change them (For SignWarper 1.9+)

  • $warp will be replaced by the warp name
  • $player will be replaced by the name of the player who performed the command,
  • $target will be replaced by the name of the teleported player.

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Plugin Settings

send-title-on-teleport-by-sign: true [Set true if you want to send a title to the player who teleport to a warp by a SignWarper]
send-title-on-teleport-by-command: false [Set true if you want to send a title to the player who teleport to a warp by a command (or is forced)]
play-sound-on-teleport-by-sign: true [Set true if you want a sound to be played when a player uses a SignWarper to teleport]
play-sound-on-teleport-by-command: false [Set true if you want a sound to be played when a player uses a a command (or is forced) to teleport]
send-error-no-permission-message: true [Set true if you want to send a no-permission message to a player when perform a staff-command]

Messages settings

message-chat-prefix: "&9SignWarper> &b" [Prefix for all messages]
message-chat-error-prefix: "&4SignWarper> &c" [Prefix for all error-messages. (ex: Insufficient permissions, This warp doesn't exist)
message-chat-error-no-permission: "Insufficient permissions" [No-permission error message]
message-chat-error-warp-not-exist: "This warp doesn't exist" [Invalid warp error message] [Please Note: Here the $warp is still deprecated (should work for commands error-messages, may cause plugin-errors on SignWarpers)]
message-chat-teleported-to: "You were teleported to &3$warp" [CHAT message on teleport]
message-chat-teleported-by-player: "You were teleported to &3$warp &bby &3$player" [CHAT message on forced teleport (by player)]
message-chat-teleported-by-console: "You were teleported to &3$warp &bby &3console" [CHAT message on forced teleport (by console)]
message-chat-teleported-player-to: "You teleported &3$target &bto &3$warp" [CHAT message on forced teleport (to the one who forced the teleportation)]
message-title-teleported-to: "&bTeleporting to" [TITLE message on teleport]
message-subtitle-teleported-to: "&3$warp" [SUBTITLE message on teleport]
message-title-teleported-by-player: "&bTeleporting to &3$warp" [TITLE message on forced teleport (by player)]
message-subtitle-teleported-by-player: "&bforced by &3$player" [SUBTITLE message on forced teleport (by player)]
message-title-teleported-by-console: "&bTeleporting to &3$warp" [TITLE message on forced teleport (by console)]
message-subtitle-teleported-by-console: "&bforced by &3Console" [SUBTITLE message on forced teleport (by console)]