HowTo Advanced

This Shows the Advanced Posibilities When creating a SignCodePad.

This is an example of setting up a SignCodePad in the Advanced way.

First Line: [SignCodePad] or [SCP]
Second Line: The Code (Length of 4, [0-9] * #)
Third Line: Settings for the "OK Torch" (When entering the correct Code)
Fourth Line: Settings for the "Error Torch" (When entering the wrong Code)

Settings contains two Parts. These are separated by an ";".
First part: Time in seconds the RedStoneTorch should be powered.
Second part: Position of the RedStoneTorch relative to the Normal position.
The Position Layout is x,y,z separator "," where
x: is the direction you are looking to (When you are facing the SignCodePad)
y: is up and down
z: the way the RedStoneTorch should be positioned right from the normal positon

This is the overview of the above given example

At the end it looks like a normal SignCodePad.


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