Sidekick- SideKick has your Back! Full Manager and Commands
This plugin allows you to control the ultimate server! With the best Commands, a Economy System from scratch, WorldEdit Commands, AntiGriefing Modes, Chat Commands, World Generators, Shortcuts, Item Spawners, + so much more! You will have to use it to understand the power of SideKick, because without it who else is going to have your back? - SideKick
- Ultimate Commands and Server Manager
- Chat Controls
- Custom World Edit Commands!
- Economy System
- World Generating Commands
- Control for the Admin!
- Custom Rules Config!
- Commands For AntiGriefing!
- A Easy to use Fly Command
- Minigames and Modes Included
- With Permissions or Default Op
- Custom Item Prices to Sell
- Wear Block Hats!
SideKick by emericask8ur is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License based on the work of the official Github Repository. Check For More
- Drop SideKick.jar in your plugins folder
- Run the Server
- Enjoy!
- [Optional]Set up SideKick's config with SideKick's economy and rules.
emericask8ur, are you still there? Are you still alive? :P
Is there any way to disable specific commands in SideKick? The plugin looks great, but I need to use a separate plugin for my spawning mechanics (such as /spawn and the such, not the spawning of entities), but SideKicks commands are conflicting, and there's no way to disable them short of disabling the entire plugin.
Not at the moment, no.
Is there support for colored text for the /rules command?
True! We have combined ours :)
SideKick never had the feature to lock objects. :P
A previous version of SideKick allowed for the locking of chests, doors, furnaces, levers, buttons and the likes. However, in the versions 1.5+ it seems that this feature has disappeared. I would love to know if it is still possible to access this feature as I am looking for a good plugin to lock doors, chests and redstone with signs. (Not Lockette as it is very glitchy, especially w/doors)
how do u get 2 do the commands?
Nope! We will make one soon though!
Is an update needed for 1.6.2?
Possibly. Haven't heard anyone talk of that yet!
Might I recommend something? Getting rid of the /// command, it could easily be mistaken for // in WorldEdit.
That category changed over time, and since I made this quite a while ago, I never realized it.
okeej so you added this plugin under the website administration. but i cannot find any website settings or tools involved. please enlighten this.
UPDATE TO 1.5.1!!!! PLS!!!
Great Plugin but could u make a plugin that only changes the name above the head, the display name, the death message and killed messages as the nickname without changing the actual skin call it like NameChanger
You drag it to your plugin folder
and it works perfect correct?! :)
Sry for this slow answer, that u probably dont need cuz u allrdy updated it. But in case u still wondered, i allways have the newest Java and the newest recomended / beta-build. In this case it was the newest beta build, but now i have updated to RB because bukkit updated it :)