
 photo 59b48494-dfb0-44f3-b8f1-f581a8b939e5_zps2fe3aceb.png


  • /shootboat join <Arena#> - Join an arena
  • /shootboat menu - Open the menu with all tha games
  • /shootboat leave - Leave the current game
  • /shootboat createarena - Create a new arena from the given worldedit selection
  • /shootboat setlobby <Arena#> - Set the lobby of the given game
  • /shootboat setrespawn <Arena#> - Set the spawn where you lose / win will and up
  • /shootboat setspawn <Arena#> - Set where you will spawn when games starts
  • /shootboat disable <Arena#> - Disable a game
  • /shootboat enable <Arena#> - Enable a game
  • /shootboat build <Arena#> - Toggle if you can build or not
  • /shootboat forcejoin <player> <Arena#> - force a player to join
  • /shootboat forceleave <player> - force a player to leave
Note: /shootboat can be interchanged with /sb


  • shootboat. <name command> - example shootboat.leave


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