


Developed by XBP.

What is ServerRestartWarning?

ServerRestartWarning is a plugin that enables the ability to warn your players when your server is going to restart. Especially good for larger servers/servers with larger communities or servers for friends. Enables people the ability to set homes, put things in chests so they don't lose work!


Is ServerRestartWarning ever going to be abandoned?

As of now, no. There is no intention to EVER abandon this plugin and future updates will be for bugs or your suggestions. We are not going to terminate development.




/srw - Permission: serverrestartwarning.srw - Command to restart the server with warning.

/srw [number] - Permission: serverestartwarning.srw - Command to restart the server with warning after [number] seconds.

/srw cancel - Permission: serverrestartwarning.cancel - Command to cancel a scheduled restart. (Cancels the task)

/ssw - Permission: serverrestartwarning.ssw - Command to shutdown the server with warning (timed) and is affected by '/srwc' command

/ssw cancel- Permission: serverrestartwarning.cancel - Command to cancel a scheduled restart. (Cancels the task)

/ssw [number] - Permission: serverestartwarning.ssw- Command to restart the server with warning after [number] seconds.


Collection of Metrics / Updater

Inside of this plugin we collect metrics & we have the ability to auto-update our plugins. This is disable-able however. We suggest you keep these enabled for support and also so we understand our target audience.


Metrics Information - Under General Data Protection, we make efforts to only share information which is general. This includes, Server Software, Server Cores, Server Java Version etc. Information we store is publicly available at


Updater Information - Updates are made by ourselves and our authorized by Bukkit Staff. We make all efforts to ensure the update process is safe and to standards of terms and conditions.

Configuration File 

#   _____                          _____           _             ___          __              _            
#  / ____|                        |  __ \         | |           | \ \        / /             (_)            
# | (___   ___ _ ____   _____ _ __| |__) |___  ___| |_ __ _ _ __| |\ \  /\  / /_ _ _ __ _ __  _ _ __   __ _
#  \___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / _ \ '__|  _  // _ \/ __| __/ _` | '__| __\ \/  \/ / _` | '__| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
#  ____) |  __/ |   \ V /  __/ |  | | \ \  __/\__ \ || (_| | |  | |_ \  /\  / (_| | |  | | | | | | | | (_| |
# |_____/ \___|_|    \_/ \___|_|  |_|  \_\___||___/\__\__,_|_|   \__| \/  \/ \__,_|_|  |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |
#                                                                                                      __/ |
#                                                                                                     |___/

#ServerRestartWarning developed by ExplosiveStraw/XBP. If you like this plugin, leave 5 stars on bukkit!

# Message prefix on operator/broadcast messages
prefix: '&d&lServerRestartWarning &8>&7 '

# How long after command has been entered before the server is shutdown/rebooted.
  server-restart-time: 15
  server-shutdown-time: 15
# Players will be automatically kicked when the server shutsdown with a custom message.
auto-kick: true

# Message Descriptions: -
# Permission - The message given when a player has insufficient permissions.
# Warning - The message broadcasted to all online players just before restart/shutdown.
# Confirmation - The message sent to an operator to confirm the restart/shutdown.
# Kick - The message given when a player is kicked.
# Placeholders: -
# {STATE} - The states given under state in this section, stopped, restart.
# {SECONDS} - The number of seconds before the server is restart/shutdown
# {COMMAND} - The command the operator has just typed
  permission: '&cYou have insufficient permission to use this command. Only players with a specific permission can use this command!'
  warning: 'This server will be {STATE} in {SECONDS} seconds.'
  confirmation: '&7Type {COMMAND} again to restart/stop this server!'
  kick: '&d&lThis server has been {STATE}, please rejoin!'
    stopped: 'shutdown'
    restart: 'restarted'

# These times are for when we should warn players the server is about to reset, i.e. 60-3 seconds before restart.
  - 60
  - 30
  - 20
  - 15
  - 10
  - 5
  - 3

# Should we save the world just before the server is shutdown/restarted, if so - give an interval of how many seconds before the task is executed should be save the worlds.
  save-world: true
  interval: 10

# If you wish to have the plugin auto-update when a new release is created then change the value below to true!
auto-update: true

# If the developer of SRW would like to join, enabling this will allow a debug message to be sent to the developer when he joins.
developer-debug: true

changelog: true



 What can I do with this plugin?

You are allowed to do the following:

- Use the plugin for personal use (on your network, server etc).

- Change the CONFIG.YML portion of the plugin.


You are NOT allowed to do the following:

- Release source code.

- Sell/use the plugin commercially.

- Change the PLUGIN.YML portion of the plugin.

- Redistribute the plugin on your own services. 


 Current Bugs?

- None currently known however, we're actively looking.




Half-time broadcast will round the number. (/srw)

Cancel command message (/srwc)

Custom Time Specified Restart (/srw -o [time in seconds])

Need further support?

Sadly, the only current place that I will provide support is on Discord. You can connect to discord by clicking me.


© xbp 2023 - All rights reserved unless otherwise explicitly stated.





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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 17, 2018
  • Last Released File
    Mar 6, 2023
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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