
ServerListPlus provides a simple but powerful configuration to customize the appearance of the server in the client's server list. It can change almost all parts of the status ping and even allows you to customize it per player.

Note: If you're using ServerListPlus on Spigot and you're not using 1.8.3 or newer you need to use special versions of ServerListPlus:


ServerListPlus provides options in the configuration for:

The features page in the wiki describes all features in detail.


ServerListPlus is currently supported on Bukkit, Spigot, Paper, BungeeCord, Waterfall, Canary, Sponge and as Standalone Server.

The latest release of ProtocolLib is required for most features to work on Bukkit/Spigot/Paper servers. You can download it from:

  1. Download the plugin and copy it in your plugins folder.
  2. Restart your server to load the plugin.
  3. The configuration file is located in the plugin folder: ServerListPlus.yml. Please refer to the configuration page for more information.
  4. After you have customized the configuration to your likings you can enable the plugin by executing the /serverlistplus enable command. The plugin will stay disabled until you execute this command.

Development Builds

> Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.

You can download unsupported development builds on the Jenkins Server. Use them at your own risk.


The configuration file is located in the plugin folder: ServerListPlus.yml. Please refer to the configuration page for more information.

Commands & Permissions

  • /slp - Display an information page about the plugin and list all available commands.
  • /slp reload or /slp rl - Reload the plugin configuration.
  • /slp save - Save the plugin configuration.
  • /slp enable - Enable the plugin and start modifying the status ping.
  • /slp disable - Disable the plugin and stop modifying the status ping.
  • /slp clean <favicons/players/requests> - Delete all entries from the specified cache.

If /slp is used by another plugin you can also use /serverlistplus instead. The permission for all commands is serverlistplus.admin.


The plugin is collecting some information about your server only for statistical purposes. It uses the MCStats / Plugin Metrics system to provide the collected information for everyone at the ServerListPlus page on MCStats. It is not possible to track a specific server from the collected data. This is enabled by default so if you do not want the plugin to collect information about your server, you can disable it in the plugin configuration section by setting Stats to false.

These are the statistical information collected from your server:

  • The version of the Metrics implementation used by the plugin.
  • Plugin and Server version.
  • Auth mode (online mode / offline mode).
  • Current player count.
  • Additional data about your host system:
    • Operating system name, version and architecture.
    • Number of cores.
    • Java version.


The plugin is completely open source and released under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License. You are free to redistribute and/or modify it to your likings, but please add a link to the GitHub Page of the plugin and redistribute it under a compatible license.


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