
Hello all,
I just wanted to type this out and address the fact that I haven't posted a resource update in a while. The plugin is still being supported, and if anything needs to be updated or optimized to keep it running properly, I will update it and post a resource update, but due to my busy schedule, I have not been able to add new features. Please note that this project is NOT abandoned, and I am still maintaining it.
Yours truly,


We are now accepting suggestions for ServerListMOTD! You can suggest new features here:


This plugin lets you set a custom motda custom playercount, and playercount hover message. It also gives you the possibility of reloading the server-icon any time you want.
Whatever version you want to use, just place the plugin inside your plugin folder of your server running Spigot, Bukkit, or BungeeCord!
The Spigot version also comes with PlaceholderAPI support.

If you want to use the plugin on Spigot, you need ProtocolLib to use it to its full extent!


  • serverlistmotd.command - use the motd commands listed below
  • serverlistmotd.reload - use the "/motd reload" command
  • serverlistmotd.update - use the "/motd update" command
  • serverlistmotd.setmotd - use the "/motd set" and "/motd remove" commands
  • serverlistmotd.list - use the "/motd list" command

IMPORTANT - If you are using the plugin on your proxy server: You have to have these permissions on the proxy, not on the Spigot servers! This can be done by putting them into the Bungee config.yml as seen here:

You either have to do this, or use a proxy permissions plugin.
If you use it on a Spigot server, normal permission plugins should work (as well as being an operator).


If you are using the Spigot version of the plugin, you have to have ProtocolLib installed to reload the server-icon and to change the playercount-message (the playercounthover-message can still be used without it)!
For the Bungee version you don't need to have any other plugins installed.

# ServerListMotd Plugin by KennyTV & Bradydawg
# Version 1.2.5

# The message shown in the multiplayer server list motd.
# If you put in multiple entries, one of them will be chosen randomly on every ping.
  - "&aWelcome!%NEWLINE%&6Just saying hello! :D"
#- "Another entry"

# Is shown at the top right corner of the server in the serverlist,
# where the playercount would normally be displayed.
custom-playercountmessage: false
playercountmessage: "&4Hoia!"
# If set to false, only the given text will be shown without the playercount (requires custom-playercountmessage set to true).
show-playercount: true

# Is shown when you move your mouse above the text at the top right corner of the server in the serverlist,
# where the playercount would normally be displayed.
custom-playercounthovermessage: true
playercounthovermessage: "&cJoin%NEWLINE%&cplz"

# Server Icon shown to the left of the MOTD, by default the icon name is server-icon.png and the default path is the main
# server path. It is recommended that you do NOT change this, but you can if you truly want to.
server-icon-path: server-icon.png

# If you don't want to be up to date, you can disable this!
update-checks: true

no-permission-message: "&cYou do not have the permission to execute that command."

A rating or a review would be highly appreciated! :)


Check out our official host -- Ponbus Hosting!


About Me:
Hey! My name is Bradydawg. I'm a full stack developer, systems administrator, and "ubuntu goon". I've staffed on, owned, developed, and managed countless servers, and I've been developing plugins for Spigot/Bukkit for years. My mission for ServerListMOTD is to essentially provide support and updates for the Spigot community. I used this plugin, and CommandNPC (another plugin I provide support for) for years before they were abandoned. After they were abandoned, I decided to pick them up, and keep them free, because there's nothing better than finding the exact plugin you're looking for on Spigot, AND finding out that it's fully supported up to the latest version, AND free! I'd really appreciate it if you left a good review on my plugins, as that's really the only way of showing me that you appreciate what I'm doing. I hope you enjoy ServerListMOTD!


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