

DragonRespawn is a plugin all servers need. Everyone wants to kill the Enderdragon but it only spawns in one time and the firt one to kill it gets the dragon egg. This plugin allow everyone on the server to kill the dragon and get the dragon egg + the XP. You can set the plugin to allow players to only kill the dragon one time or have a cooldown on how long they have to wayt before thay can kill the dragon agein.

Players can spawn in a dragon(can only be spawn in the end world) by a easy command and only the player that spawned in the dragon can do damage to it and kill it. When the dragon gets killed the dragon egg and the xp go in to the inventory of the player who killed it so noone can steal the dragon egg. You can change the config so the dragon don't spawn in a portal aswell so the endworld dont get filled up with ender portals.


  • Only the player who spawn in the dragon can kill it
  • Players cant steal the egg from you if you killed the dragon
  • You can set the config so players can only spawn in and kill the dragon 1 time or set a time the players have to wayt before they can spawn inn a new one
  • toggle on/off dragon spawns a portal when it dies


/enderd -Show all the commands

/enderd spawn -spawns in a dragon for you
/enderd remove <PlayerName> -removes player from one time spawning list so the player can spawn in a new dragon



Working On

  • Co-op - kill the dragon with your friends
  • Spawn in endercrystals set set locations

Any suggestion pleas leave a comment :)

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 24, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Mar 19, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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