


ServerRestarter is a highly configurable server restart management plugin. Through this plugin, you can set an infinite amount of messages to display and sounds to play at specific intervals. You can also enable scoreboard display (fully configurable) to inform users continuously about an oncoming restart. The /sr command is provided to trigger a restart manually or update the time until next restart and restart message. Time format in commands and config is 0d0h0m0s0ms (e.g. 3h30m, 5s500ms). Chat color format in commands and config is &code, where code is the color code.

NOTE: /restart command is currently broken, as bukkit/spigot override this command yet do not automate it; use /sr instead. NOTE: A script (listed below) is required for the restart to actually work, otherwise the server will simply shut down as usual.


  • Completely configurable restart actions. (Restart actions are dynamic, not by index as in every other restart plugin.)
  • Restart actions come as either message, sound, or scoreboard action.
  • Optional scoreboard display allows every option to be configured: title, location, text format. These can be changed at intervals via action.
  • Command to control restarts and restart settings.
  • State file creation to indicate to scripts that a server wishes to be restarted.


  • /sr Trigger a restart instantly.
  • /sr [time] Set the restart time to [time].
  • /sr [message] Set the restart kick message to [message]. NOTE: If the message starts with a valid time format, it will be treated as the command below.
  • /sr [time] [message] Set both time and message simultaneous.
  • /sr reset Reset the time and message to default settings (restarting the timer). Permission node is sr.restart (or server operator).


This is an example configuration file (automatically generated by the plugin).

# Time before restarting the server.
# Format is 0d0h0m0s0ms.
restart_time: 3h
kick_message: Server is restarting! Come back in a minute or two!
# ServerRestarter will create this file in the base server directory
# every time the plugin is enabled, and will
# delete it upon being disabled given that the server is not restarting.
# By not deleting it until being disabled, it guarantees that a server crash will cause a restart (as the plugin is not disabled in a crash).
# This option is useful for scripts to detect if the server shut down for a restart or crash.
state_file: auto_restart
create_state_file: 'true'
  # You may specify as many of these as you want. Name does not matter; value is the action.
  # Currently accepted formats are:
  #   message:<time>:<message>
  #   sound:<time>:<sound>:<volume>:<pitch>
  #   scoreboard:<time>:enable|disable|settitle:<title>|setformat:<d|h|m|s|ms>:<text>
  # List of sounds can be found at
  message_5m: message:5m:&aServer will restart in 5 minutes...
  scoreboard_5m_title: scoreboard:5m1ms:settitle:Restart Time
  scoreboard_5m_format: 'scoreboard:5m1ms:setformat:m:&aMinutes left:'
  scoreboard_5m_enable: scoreboard:5m:enable
  sound_5m: sound:5m:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:3.0
  message_2m: message:2m:&aServer will restart in 2 minutes...
  message_1m: message:1m:&aServer will restart in 1 minute...
  sound_1m: sound:1m:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:2.0
  sound2_1m: sound:1m:NOTE_BASS_GUITAR:1.0:2.0
  scoreboard_1m_format: 'scoreboard:1m:setformat:s:&eSeconds left:'
  message_30s: message:30s:&aServer will restart in 30 seconds...
  sound_30s: sound:30s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0
  scoreboard_30s_format: 'scoreboard:30s:setformat:s:&6Seconds left:'
  message_15s: message:15s:&aServer will restart in 15 seconds...
  sound_15s: sound:15s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0
  scoreboard_15s_format: 'scoreboard:15s:setformat:s:&cSeconds left:'
  message_10s: message:10s:&aServer will restart in 10 seconds...
  sound_10s: sound:10s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0
  message_5s: message:5s:&aServer will restart in 5 seconds...
  scoreboard_5s_format: 'scoreboard:5s:setformat:s:&4Seconds left:'
  sound_5s: sound:5s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0
  sound_5s300ms: sound:5s300ms:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0
  message_4s: message:4s:&aServer will restart in 4 seconds...
  sound_4s: sound:4s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0
  sound_4s300ms: sound:4s300ms:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0
  message_3s: message:3s:&aServer will restart in 3 seconds...
  sound_3s: sound:3s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0
  sound_3s300ms: sound:3s300ms:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0
  message_2s: message:2s:&aServer will restart in 2 seconds...
  sound_2s: sound:2s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0
  sound_2s300ms: sound:2s300ms:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0
  message_1s: message:1s:&aServer will restart in 1 second...
  sound_1s: sound:1s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0
  sound_1s300ms: sound:1s300ms:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0
  sound_1s600ms: sound:1s600ms:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0

More readable, alternative script (equivalent to the one above):

# Time before restarting the server.
# Format is 0d0h0m0s0ms.
restart_time: 3h
kick_message: Server is restarting! Come back in a minute or two!

# ServerRestarter will create this file in the base server directory every time the plugin is enabled, and will delete it upon being disabled given that the server is not restarting.
# By not deleting it until being disabled, it guarantees that a server crash will cause a restart (as the plugin is not disabled in a crash).
# This option is useful for scripts to detect if the server shut down for a restart or crash.
state_file: auto_restart
create_state_file: 'true'

# You may specify as many of these as you want. Name does not matter; value is the action.
# Currently accepted formats are:
#   message:<time>:<message>
#   sound:<time>:<sound>:<volume>:<pitch>
#   scoreboard:<time>:enable|disable|settitle:<title>|setformat:<d|h|m|s|ms>:<text>
# List of sounds can be found at
  5m_msg: 'message:5m:&aServer will restart in 5 minutes...'
  5m_scb_title: 'scoreboard:5m1ms:settitle:Restart Time'
  5m_scb_format: 'scoreboard:5m1ms:setformat:m:&aMinutes left:'
  5m_scb_enable: 'scoreboard:5m:enable'
  5m_snd: 'sound:5m:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:3.0'
  2m_msg: 'message:2m:&aServer will restart in 2 minutes...'
  1m_msg: 'message:1m:&aServer will restart in 1 minute...'
  1m_snd: 'sound:1m:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:2.0'
  1m_snd2: 'sound:1m:NOTE_BASS_GUITAR:1.0:2.0'
  1m_scb_format: 'scoreboard:1m:setformat:s:&eSeconds left:'
  30s_msg: 'message:30s:&aServer will restart in 30 seconds...'
  30s_snd: 'sound:30s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'
  30s_scb_format: 'scoreboard:30s:setformat:s:&6Seconds left:'
  15s_msg: 'message:15s:&aServer will restart in 15 seconds...'
  15s_snd: 'sound:15s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'
  15s_scb_format: 'scoreboard:15s:setformat:s:&cSeconds left:'
  10s_msg: 'message:10s:&aServer will restart in 10 seconds...'
  10s_snd: 'sound:10s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'
  5s_msg: 'message:5s:&aServer will restart in 5 seconds...'
  5s_scb_format: 'scoreboard:5s:setformat:s:&4Seconds left:'
  5s_snd: 'sound:5s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'
  5s300ms_snd: 'sound:5s300ms:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'
  4s_msg: 'message:4s:&aServer will restart in 4 seconds...'
  4s_snd: 'sound:4s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'
  4s300ms_snd: 'sound:4s300ms:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'
  3s_msg: 'message:3s:&aServer will restart in 3 seconds...'
  3s_snd: 'sound:3s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'
  3s300ms_snd: 'sound:3s300ms:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'
  2s_msg: 'message:2s:&aServer will restart in 2 seconds...'
  2s_snd: 'sound:2s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'
  2s300ms_snd: 'sound:2s300ms:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'
  1s_msg: 'message:1s:&aServer will restart in 1 second...'
  1s_snd: 'sound:1s:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'
  1s300ms_snd: 'sound:1s300ms:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'
  1s600ms_snd: 'sound:1s600ms:NOTE_PIANO:1.0:1.0'




JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1024M -Xmx1024M"

while true
    if [ ! -e $STATE_FILE ]
    echo "Restarting server in 5 seconds! Kill the process with 'ctrl+c' to prevent it from rebooting or use /stop when the server has rebooted."
    for i in {5..1}
        echo "$i..."
        sleep 1
    echo "Restarting!"

Windows: (untested- sorry, not on this OS :( let me know if it works)

SET JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1024M -Xmx1024M
SET SERVER_JAR=server.jar
SET STATE_FILE=auto_restart
ECHO Restarting server in 5 seconds! Close the command prompt to prevent it from rebooting or use /stop when the server has rebooted.
FOR /l %X IN (5, -1, 1) DO (
    ECHO %X%...

Alternative Windows (in case the above script does not work):

java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar server.jar
IF NOT EXIST auto_restart EXIT

Change the options in either script as you see fit. These will restart your server if a file named 'auto_restart' is found (configurable), otherwise exit.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 4, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 5, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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