Supported Bukkit Versions
Change log
Release v1.0
- Split the project into 3 parts : Core, Bukkit and Sponge.
- Various updates and bug fixes.
Beta v0.4.1
Beta v0.4
- Updated for Bukkit v1.13.
- Core improvements.
- Fixed bugs.
Beta v0.3
- You can now encrypt keys' lore (using ROT47).
- Items can now be renamed (but an item of the same kind can be used as a replacement).
- Fixed bugs.
Beta v0.2.2
- Wow, updated for 1.10 !
- Added a hopper listener.
- Added bStats support.
Beta v0.2.1
Beta v0.2
- Padlock finder added.
- Key clone added (used to clone a key).
- Bunch of keys added.
- Can lock trapdoors, double doors and locked chests.
- Random ChatColor for the lore.
- Improved API.
- Performances improvements.
- Bugs fixes.
Beta v0.1
- Fixed a bug in the previous file.
- First Beta.