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This description has been soo inconsistent throughout Bukkit, BukkitDev, and my GitHub. I'll be fixing this soon.

SecretWord protects moderators, administrators, and your users from session stealers, and any other MITM attacks in Minecraft by requiring users to type a "secret word" upon logging into the server the first time the plugin is installed. It will ask for that secret word if you login from a different IP address. This completely defeats the purpose of any minecraft exploit as long as your secret word is not shared.

All secret words are hashed, salted, and stored in plugins/SecretWord/players folder. This means server administrators will never know your secret word!


Not much, just had idea, and boom, here you are!


Commands & Permissions

Surprisingly, I don't think there was going to be a lot of commands and stuff, but I don't believe that is necessary!


/sw reload - Simply reload configuration

/sw reset [playername] - Reset a player's secret word.

If you have an idea for a command, suggest it! I couldn't think of anything else to add.


secretword.login - If enabled in configuration, people with this permission node will be required to enter/abide by SecretWord.

secretword.halfhour - After half an hour after the last login, the player with this node will be required to re-login. This should not be necessary unless you have a cruel sibling.

secretword.showjoin - Vanished Administrators! If you wish to not broadcast join messages when you join on vanish (VanishNoPacket), add this node! Believe me, it sounds misleading but here's why: If this permission node is granted, it will not handle the join message at all. If this permission node wasn't given, it will broadcast "xxx has joined the game" after you login to SecretWord.

secretword.admin.* - Gives the following 2 permission nodes.

secretword.admin.reload - Gives access to /sw reload for configuration.

secretword.admin.reset - Gives access to /sw reset to reset people's secret word logins.


Read this.


Installation is simple & easy! Given that you've added the permission nodes above that you may think is necessary, go ahead! Drag and drop the JAR into the server and restart!

Now your server is protected.

League of Developing Le-

Enough puns, here's some extra resources:


Thanks Gravity for the CI!


This plugin is back in BETA after a long hiatus. Just simply report bugs here if you wish to fix something that is broken.

Other Great Plugins

AntiBot - The ultimate Anti Spam protection for Minecraft. It trolls users who use login spam tools like PWN4G3.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 1, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jul 21, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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