Wardrobe V 2.4 (More bugs) :I


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    Jul 11, 2015
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


V 2.4:
Fixed a big bug(Hopefully)
V 2.3.2:
Fixed multiple bugs and wardrobe.cancelarmortakeoff should be fixed
V 2.3.1:
Fixed a rainbow armor bug
V 2.3:
VERY IMPORTANT: Added a permission to keep on armor. if the user does not have permission wardrobe.cancelarmortakeoff they can take off armor but if they don't they can take off armor(If they have wardrobe.cancelarmortakeoff you probably shouldnt let them use wardrobe)
V 2.2.1:
Fixed an option with the protocolhack I forgot an else statement D:
V 2.2:
Added rainbow armor and the option to enchant your join item in the config
V 2.1.1:
Fixed the sound option making it only work in the wardrobe menus
V 2.1:
Added a new config option called soundclick, it is true or false to have it on/off. It plays a sound when clicking on any items and I will be adding in options for volume, pitch, and what sound is played!
Please update you config with the new option at the bottom:
V 2.0:
1.7.10 compatibility! I got an error report of someone running a 1.7/1.8 server and the hat menu was causing issues since it had 1.8 blocks in it. So I added a feature to the config called "protocolhack" just change it to true(MUST BE EITHER true/false default false) if you are running a 1.7/1.8 server and it turns all 1.8 blocks into a stained glass pane explaining to the user why they cant use it :)
V 1.9:
Added colored armor which can be found in the default wardrobe page and clicking the arrows to navigate through available colors
V 1.7.1:
Removed some pointless code
V 1.7:
Add this to the bottom of your config if you are updating please :)
Any errors are most likely from not having a proper config
V 1.6:
PLEASE READ: Please replace config with the config in the plugin page, or just make the changes :)

Added a new hub item which you can toggle on and off, what slot it gives to in, the type of item, and the name of the item. I have set it to default off, slot 4, blaze rod, and bold red "Wardrobe"
Also fixed a little bug with the config I miss-typed a word. (I typed %item% instead of %hat%)
V 1.5.7:
I tried to figure out some particles but I am running into an error
This update is just a small message fix
V 1.5:
There are now per hat permissions meaning you can give the player a certain hat!
(http://pastebin.com/P34xhA72) is a list
V 1.4.1:
Should fix an issue to do with java compatability
V 1.4:
The hats update:
Hats have been added! (135 to be exact)
Use wardrobe.hats to give this to your players
New plugin layout (More modern)
Please enjoy :)
V 1.3:
The config update:
You can now change the prefix from [wardrobe] to whatever you want (Supports color codes &4 = Dark red)
You can also change the lore of the armor type
I have a strange feeling the config wont generate so please tell me if it doesnt
V 1.2:
Added signs
V 1.1:
Fixed MANY bugs (Console errors some weird one about certain slots cant be used)
Changed remove all armor item to flint and steel

Please report bugs in the ticket section.