
SCS Logo by rtainc

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Sell or buy items

/scs <sell/buy> <item/this> <amount/unlimited> <price>

Put an item on display

/scs display <item/this>

Modify the price of a showcase

/scs price <price>

Change the owner of a showcase

/scs owner <player>

Change the amount a showcase will buy before going inactive

/scs amount <amount>

Delete a showcase

/scs remove


scs.create.buyAllow /scs buy <arguments>
scs.create.sellAllow /scs sell <arguments>
scs.create.displayAllow /scs display <arguments>
scs.create.exchangeAllow /scs exchange <arguments>
scs.create.unlimitedAllow /scs <buy/sell> <item/this> unlimited <arguments>
scs.useAllow buying and selling from showcases
scs.manageAllow use of /scs owner, /scs price, /scs amount
scs.removeAllow use of /scs remove
scs.adminAllow use of scs.manage and scs.remove commands on anybody's showcases