1.7.10 Forge Item Display Issue #877

  • selkie707 created this issue Sep 16, 2018

    Build: b697


    As talked about at:



    The issue was fixed for newer builds but 1.7.10 is not able to show above the shop in forge still. The fix is just making the spawning count to 1 and I was able to confirm that this fixes the problem

    itemStack.setAmount(1) instead of being 0


    Could a version be compiled for 1.7.10 that has this fix or can the configuration file stack amount fix be backported?


    I have a fixed .class file I can provide or a .jar file with the fixed .class file for b697. As you mention this does make it so certain things can move the floating item (draconic evolution magnet).

  • selkie707 edited description Sep 16, 2018

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