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What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Create menu (only ItemMenu was tested). 2. Setup "item_justify: RIGHT" or "title_justify: RIGHT" or justification with CENTER argument in view file. 3. Open menu.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead? ItemMenu is not justified - title and items (items are on left, title too).
What version of the product are you using? 2.4.0 - 18th dev build.
Please provide any additional information below.
Are you editing the view file directly? If so, are you running "/sms reload" immediately after? You need to do that.
Normal way to edit a view's justification is with "/sms view <view-name> item_justify <value>" (or title_justify) - that change will show immediately.
If you want to see the default justification for all views, use "/sms set item_justify <value>" and make sure the justification for individual views is "default".
@desht: Go
I always type /sms reload after some changes. I also always edit options directly from file.
I tried commands for this just while ago and it doesn't work too.
@wiedzmin137: Go
I don't know then. I've just been doing lots of testing with justification, and it's all working fine.
I think I'll need to see your config.yml and the YAML for the view that you're working with.
Config. View.
Okay, this one was a little harder to fix than I thought, but I think it's all working properly now. Please give build #37 (or newer) a try...
Nice. Now all justifications are works good. Thanks.
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