ScrollingMenuSign v0.5.1
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UploadedAug 26, 2011
Size76.14 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1060
v0.5.1 (10 Aug 2011):
- Usage limits can now be set on a whole menu (in addition to per-item)
- Some API updates (mainly around usage limits)
- Fixed bug where creating a menu by punching a sign wasn't working properly
v0.5 (5 Aug 2011):
- ScrollingMenuSign now has an API to allow other plugins to manipulate menus. See the Wiki for more information.
- Menu items may now have limited uses - see the new /sms uses command on the Wiki.
- Menus can now be sorted with the /sms sort command (and optionally configured to always remain sorted)
- Menu data persistence now stores the menus one per file under ScrollingMenuSign/data/menus/<menu>.yml instead of all in the scrollingmenus.yml file. Makes for efficient data saving (don't need to write everything when one menu changes). Existing saved data will be seamlessly migrated.
- Now supports Bukkit superperms (but Permissions will still be used in preference if it is detected)
- Significant internal code cleanup.