Schimpis Window

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



This plugin opens a window for the owner where he can do different things very easily. It is created for an easy control of the server. The window includes a list of all the players who are online and connected to the server. The owner can select one or several or all of the online players and perform an action to the selected players. There is even a function to stop or reload the server. In addition you can broadcast a message to all players. The owner can open the attitudes of a specific player, too. He can have a look at the displayname and the ip and the health and the food and kills and deaths of that player.



1. Download

2. move the .jar-file into the plugins-folder of your server

3. start the server

WARNING: The window will be opened on the computer which runs the server



Version: 1.0:

- see the online-players (if there are too many of them you can even browse for a player)

- stop the server (the same like typing /stop)

- reload the server (the same like typing /reload)

- broadcast a message to all online-players

- see and even change the display name of a player

- sudo a command (type in a command and the selected player will automatically execute it)

- op / deop a player with just one click

- tell the player a message

- teleport a player (to a location with world,X, Y, Z or to an other player)

- give an item to a player (itemid:hex (if you type in a hex for a diamond sword, for example, it will be the durability), amount)

- kill a player

- freeze/unfreeze a player

- see his attitudes (for more information, look at the screenshot below)

Version: 1.1 (Release):

- change someone's gamemode

- more attitudes in the attitudes list of a player

- execute commands (you don't need a console any more)

- kick a player


Coming Features in Version 1.2:

- there are no known changes yet:)


✘: Not done yet    ✔: Already done

In case you have more wishes just write a comment :D












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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 19, 2018
  • Last Released File
    Mar 3, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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