Damage Causes

These can be used with the scavenger.scavenge.[DAMAGE_CAUSE] permission node.

  • CONTACT - Damage caused when an entity contacts a block such as a Cactus.
  • ENTITY_ATTACK - Damage caused when an entity attacks another entity.
  • PROJECTILE - Damage caused when attacked by a projectile.
  • SUFFOCATION - Damage caused by being put in a block.
  • FALL - Damage caused when an entity falls a distance greater than 3 blocks
  • FIRE - Damage caused by direct exposure to fire.
  • FIRE_TICK - Damage caused due to burns caused by fire
  • MELTING - Damage caused due to a snowman melting
  • LAVA - Damage caused by direct exposure to lava
  • DROWNING - Damage caused by running out of air while in water
  • BLOCK_EXPLOSION - Damage caused by being in the area when a block explodes.
  • ENTITY_EXPLOSION - Damage caused by being in the area when an entity, such as a Creeper, explodes.
  • VOID - Damage caused by falling into the void
  • LIGHTNING - Damage caused by being struck by lightning
  • SUICIDE - Damage caused by committing suicide using the command "/kill"
  • STARVATION - Damage caused by starving due to having an empty hunger bar
  • POISON - Damage caused due to an ongoing poison effect
  • MAGIC - Damage caused by being hit by a damage potion or spell
  • WITHER - Damage caused by Wither potion effect
  • FALLING_BLOCK - Damage caused by being hit by a falling block which deals damage
  • THORNS - Damage caused in retaliation to another attack by the Thorns enchantment.
  • CUSTOM - Custom damage.


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