Safe Creeper

Current version: Safe Creeper Beta for Minecraft 1.9.2

Safe Creeper

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What is Safe Creeper

Control creepers, Withers, EnderDragons, Enderman, TNT, Fireballs and a lot more!

With Safe Creeper you can control creeper explosions and other things like, fireballs, TNT, Enderman and a lot of other things, you can set if a creeper explosions destroys blocks. You can set if Zombie's can break down doors. You can also set a lot of other things, the possibilities are almost endless! A few other examples are that you can set up if players are able to use TNT blocks, if creepers will explode above the surface and underneath they wont, set if Enderman can place and break blocks, even if they can clone blocks, explosion sounds, smoke effects and a lot of more things. The plugins is fully configurable and it has multi world support. This is a must have for most server administrators.

Example Video

This is an video witch explains the config file system of an older version of Safe Creeper, it should work very similair with the current version. This video also shows you some features from Safe Creeper:


This is a small list of features witch Safe Creeper can provide for your server. If you want to see the full list, and a list of planned features, visit this page: Page: Features

  • Set if creepers damage the world, also fireballs, TNT and other things
  • Get full control of the Wither and EnderDragon bosses!
  • Enderman support, set if enderman can place and break blocks, also set if they can clone blocks (get blocks but don't remove them from the world)
  • Multi World support
  • Start the plugin before loading the world, to ceep everything safe while generating the world and adding the mobs on it
  • Optional function that your settings are only avable between two levels, for example, if you want, a creeper can explode only underneeth a level (y coordinate) and above a level.
  • Explosion sounds, enable or disable explosion sounds
  • Explosion smoke effect
  • Set if players can place a TNT block
  • Set if creepers will be powerd when they hit by lightning
External Connections

Safe Creeper makes some connections to external servers. One of these connections is to itself. Safe Creeper uses this connection to check whether there are any updates available. Safe Creeper is able to download these updates automatically from the servers. Since Safe Creeper, Safe Creeper is also posting anonymous statistics to This post request contains little information about the plugin and the server it´s running on. This request contains the version of Craft Bukkit, the version number of Safe Creeper, and the amount of online players, this post request may also contain additional information coming from Safe Creeper itself, like the amount of Creeper´s nerfed by Safe Creeper. A server address is not included because the statistics system is anonymous. The Safe Creeper statistics system will send the server´s address if enabled in the configuration file. This statistics system has been implemented to give people the ability to see how many servers Safe Creeper is running on. And to give an overview of the global usage of certain Safe Creeper features. All these systems could be disabled in the configuration file. Safe Creeper does not connect to any other external server than the two described above.

Bugs & Issues

Please go to the following page to see how to report a bug, this page also contains a list with all known bugs in the current Safe Creeper version.
Page: Bugs


Please donate some money so I can buy some coffee to make better plugins and even update my old ones :) , I really like it if you give any donation! You could go to a donation page using the button bellow or the donate button above the search-box



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 13, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Nov 12, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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