Bugs & Issues

Safe Creeper ยท Bugs & Issues

If you found a bug, please report it using the method described bellow, to keep Safe Creeper bug-free.

Report a bug

If you found a bug, please report it so we can keep Safe Creeper bug-free. To report a bug please create a Ticket, inside your ticked you can expalain the bug a bit better. Before you're going to make a ticket, please check if it already exists. If it does, please comment on the already existing ticket with the same problem, with a message that you have the same problem.
Create a new ticket: Ticket: Create
List all existing tickets: Ticket: List


There are also bugs listed on the ticket page. Please check the list bellow, AND the ticket page to view the full list of bugs.

There are currently NO bugs found!

Ticket: List


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