Problem Powers #31

  • Defect
  • Accepted
Assigned to sirrus86x
  • _ForgeUser1896247 created this issue May 24, 2013

    Nether Cloak - doesnt seem to work when i have the items in my inventory and am sneaking, nothing happends. Running latest version of this plugin and craftbukkit 1.5.2r0.1 No errors in console. No messages in game.

    TeslaCoil - There isnt a "Duration" limit before it removes the towers, this means never ending towers unless shot or hit but there should be some kind of limit duration wise, even if only for 1 hour. - There isnt a LIMIT to how many towers you can have, although if we make the cooldown like 24 hours then they can only do it once every 24 hours but it doesnt help much when they can still make an infinite amount.

    - Would be amazing to have a PVP: true option so we can make it only do mobs or mobs and players. ThunderBow - Arrows fired off into the distance that are super powered, continuously strike thunder, if you fire them so far away they continue spamming thunder for good until you walk towards it. Should you /spawn or leave its area it will continue spamming thunder whereever you left it and it wont stop spamming thunder until a player has walked near where the arrow landed.

    Auto Gun - An epic elite ability however it continues fireing at you FAR beyond out of range. I TP'd to spawn and it was still shooting me from miles and miles away. Should also be a way to turn it to MOBS ONLY or both via config. A way to add "Friendly's" to it would be great, like adding a sign to the metal fence with player names would make it not shoot those players.

    Astral Recall - Doesnt obey protections like residence. Players can glitch into or out of area's they shouldnt be able to get to because of protections not blocking this. Like 1 layer thick walls, ect. As long as it obey's protections like residence then it would be a great power to use, please fix it!

    Dodge- was working fine at first for the first 5 minutes, then started glitching like crazy and was always 100% chance to dodge even tho i have it set max to 25%.

    Laser - Damages the person using the power too, wtf? lol

    Time Bomb - Doesnt have a value to adjust damage done, without a value to adjust this is just plain useless, it does hardly any damage with players that have NO armor on.

    Please reply to this ticket so i atleast know your aware of these and please let me know if you plan to fix them.

  • _ForgeUser1896247 added the tags New Defect May 24, 2013
  • sirrus86x posted a comment May 24, 2013

    Actually I think I just responded to your post on the front page :P I'll get on these.

  • sirrus86x removed a tag New May 24, 2013
  • sirrus86x added a tag Accepted May 24, 2013
  • _ForgeUser1896247 posted a comment May 25, 2013

    @sirrus86: Go

    awesome thanks a bunch, i am using these powers as a nice perk list for my long term players. I have it set up so they can have all the powers obtainable (i chose like 28 powers from all the powers, ones that work together and not fighting each other).

    Also i forgot to list,

    SONAR isnt working at all D: Star Strike - Add configure-able dmg, it doesnt do much dmg. Would hate to see the amount it does vs. someone who does have armor on lol.

    Edited May 25, 2013

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