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What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
Legend: T (Tier Block) H ( Hopper ) F (Fire) O (Obsidian) C (Chest) X (Any block) A (Air / Nothing) I (Iron Block)
Vortex Rune
All but the Chest and Hopper is consumed
The level of tier will change the Range on how far the vortex can pick up drop items Tier 1: 7 Blocks (From Center +3 on all sides) Tier 2: 15 Blocks Tier 3: 21 Blocks Tier 4: 39 Blocks and so on... Range will depend upon the one who will make it.
There is an functionality, if there is an already placed Vortex, no other vortex can be made withing the combination of both Tier (if possible), meaning 2 tier 1 Vortex will can't be placed where their fields clashes meaning they got a minimum of 6 blocks between each other.
(Middle) OOO OHO OOO
(Bottom) AAA ACA AAA
True Mob Rune
Acts similar to True Name in tier and production, but has the similar effect as Ovicaptor in activation.
When mob walks on this, they get turn into heads.
Current mobs to work on: Zombies Skeletons Creepers Wither Skeleton
For additional effect, if tier block is Coal ore, skeletons will become Wither Heads. But it will consume the tier blocks.
For mobs with no heads will all drop steve heads.
Air Placer
This is a cheeper version of Faith, but only uses 1 block from the Enchanted block (ID).
All rune is Consumed
The enchantment will last longer depending on tier.
The enchantment will only work with Blocks
Effect will make the player place a Block in Mid Air right under the user while left clicking, using the block in the inventory matching the used block used in the enchantment. If a block other then air, water, or lava is already under the player, it will not consume a charge and no block will be placed.
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