Runecraft 2.15 d
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UploadedFeb 8, 2013
Size277.70 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R1.0
Changes from 2.14 e:
[+] True Names: The ability to cast runes onto other players
[+] Lightning Trap: You're no longer restricted to fire when it comes to traps
[+] Babel curse: A hilariously annoying curse to level upon your enemies.
[+] True Name ward: Prevents players casting on to you whilst you're in range.
[*] Engraver: You can now engrave onto any anvil-renamed item.
[*] Soft pegasus/ FTP: blocks that don't attach to other blocks no longer cause physics updates on movement.
[*] Tier rebalance: every block has had it's tier re-examined mathematically, and runes give EXPONENTIALLY more power per tier than before. Tier chart available on the minecraftwiki for now
[*] Minor fix for Faith 'saturated' bug.
seems to be an unresolved bug with multiple engraved Zeerix' Chest runes.
Endurance still doesn't work.