
RuleRewards - Rules with Rewards

Version: 2.0.0


  • Incentives: Give something to those who actually read your rules.
  • Permission Support: Optional permission support, allowing you to change a user's group when they accept the rules
  • Economy Support: Optional reward option to reward your players with virtual money instead of an item.
  • New Custom Commands: Put any number of commands you want in the commands section separated by commas (","), and turn it to true! Now you can give Reward Tokens for accepting the rules!
  • Color codes! All the text is entirely customizable in colors.
  • Protection: If something isn't properly configured, it doesn't break the plugin! It defaults and still gives your users a diamond for accepting the rules!
  • Easy to Configure: Everything in the config is easy to read and configure.


Vault - Vault is NOT required, unless you want to take advantage of the Permissions or Economy.

Note: If you downloaded a version prior to 2.0.0, delete your config and let the plugin make a new one for you. The new config file is much more documented and has all the new options. You do NOT need to delete anything else. The new configurations ARE NOT backwards compatible.

rr.admin - Allows users to use /rr purge and /rr reload

/rules - Prints the list of rules from /plugin/RuleRewards/Rules.txt
/acceptrules - Accepts the rules, and rewards the user
/rr purge - Wipes the storage file, meaning everyone can get rewards again
/rr reload - Reloads the plugin

Changelog Here


I consider this project completed. Will check it against updates in the future.

If you can think of something else you would like added/changed let me know!

Known Issues:

Please submit all problems using this link or by the Ticket option!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 22, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Feb 9, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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