
This plugin provides RPG respawning functionality. How it works is, you define "Graveyard" locations and when a player dies they respawn at the nearest Graveyard, whether this is in a city or in the middle of a graveyard, or the middle of nowhere. Rather simple plugin and can be used easily.

How to use (short tutorial)

  • Stand at the location you would like respawns to happen at
  • Type /gy set <name>, for example /gy set Lorinth, would make a spawn point called Lorinth
  • Then if you walk anywhere and die, you'll respawn at your created graveyard.
  • Make as many other graveyards as you like and you'll respawn at the closest one!


  • useRespawnGUI - (true/false) - This will prompt the user with an option to teleport to the graveyard they would have respawned at, when they respawn at their bed location (Use this with any other plugins with respawn functionality)
  • useDiscovery - (true/false) - If you want players to have to discover plugins to respawn at them, turn this on
  • respawnParticleEffect - Select a particle from here to see fancy effects when they respawn at a graveyard!


  • /gy - displays all commands to user
  • /gy list - displays all graveyards in your world
  • /gy add <name> [discoveryDistance] - creates a graveyard at your location with your look direction with a given name. Note : Takes color codes and use '_' as spaces. If using discovery in your config you can set the optional paramter for discoveryDistance using this command
  • /gy set <id> [name] - updates a graveyard by id to your current location and look direction! Optional parameter to update the name as well
  • /gy remove <id> - deletes a given graveyard by id
  • /gy tp [id] - teleports to the closest graveyard, or to a specific graveyard if an id is given
  • /gy info [id] - shows information about the closest graveyard, or a specific graveyard if an id is given


  • rpgraveyard.admin - gives access to all commands
  • rpgraveyard.teleport - gives access to teleport to any graveyard by id (/gy tp <id>)
  • rpgraveyard.teleport.closest - gives access to teleport only to the closest graveyard (/gy tp)


Hey guys! I have a discord server for discussion/requests/issues about the plugin. Feel free to come in and chat about plugin development as well! All discussion/conversation is welcome! If you are using the plugin you are welcome to advertise your server in the specified channel.

Link to Discord Server : https://discord.gg/s5f6gdC


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 25, 2014
  • Last Released File
    Jul 8, 2018
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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