
Well it all started with a simple idea of adding sth. special to single swords to set an aim for many users what they should do or who they should target first in a fight. Then potions and other changes to pvp from Minecraft destroyed everything again and i simply decided to make my own damage system with these swords. This was only the beginning and soon the damage system was stable. Next some were complaining about the levels they need for enchanting them and so on. All after that it ended where i'm today: the system controles the inventory, damage and health, chat, playerdata saving, world editing, and much more. First i just made it larger every day and somewhen i decided to share the plugin pack with the rest of the Minecraft Community. That's simply what brought me here.

What is the RPG-System?

Simple: it's a plugin-pack which does many things by itself but leaves most of the creativity to the server administrators and i'm working to make it even more configureable and individual. It can be understood like one of the big role play games in minecraft. Most of the mechanics are the same.

You can start at any point in the world, kill mobs, drop loot like swords, armor and gems, level up, become stronger, acquire even more armor and ability's and reach the top. Loot can be split up from already destroyed loot up to legendary, mythic and ancient rarity's, even with special names and special effects! Ability's and gemstones with different ability's can have great importance for your pvp strategy! Also a skilltree provides individuality and different strategies. Start, farm, fight, trade, level up, fight, be the best! But be sure to choose your class wisely before you start hunting! If you don't want to fight alone, use the group feature to work together and make sure you don't hit each other. Good luck and have fun ;)

Plugin dependencies

  • Craftbukkit 1.7.2 must be in use
  • WorldGuard (by sk89q)
  • WorldEdit (by sk89q)
  • PermissionsEx (by tehkode)
  • CustomMobs (by me/HellFirePvP)
  • RPGCombat (by me/HellFirePvP) [no longer needed in upcoming Version 2.0]
  • RPGChatManager (by me/HellFirePvP) [no longer needed in upcoming Version 2.0]

NOTE: Some files of the other projects may not be already approved. please wait for the files. otherwise you can't play the RPG-System. Thank you.


  • So far only /op -Permissions for faster development - since this plugin is still alpha and experimental it won't be fully playable anyway


Non-Op Commands

>Click here<

Op Commands

>Click here<

Installation & Configuration

Step 1: Download the needed plugins of the RPG-System and the RPG-System itself.

Step2: Make sure you're running on Craftbukkit 1.7.2

Step3: Start the server with the needed plugins. (Be sure the "world" in the config.yml is the world you play on!!)

Step4: Be sure you set "op-free" in the config.yml to "true" and then go "/gamemode 1" and build the world you need for playing. (Be sure you may need Levelfields, Dungeons, Boss Caves, Environment, different themes, and so on...)

Step5: Create the mobs with Custommobs you would like to see on your world! Be sure you set the right attributes in custommobs. (For health and damage and so on, you'll need the /cmob system <Name> ... - commands!)

[BE SURE you NAME THE MOBS CORRECTLY! Format of the name they should have as file: <filename>;<level> If they dont have this filename format, the Mobsync of the RPG-System will fail!!!]

Step6: Create the worldguard regions for the mobs where they should spawn, and so on...

Step7: Assign the System flags to the regions. (/crg - commands) (Example: /rg define testregion - /crg apply testregion System-50 [Now mobs with the level 50 in the filename will spawn there!])

Step8: Play the first steps of the game by yourself (maybe till level 20) and be sure you dont level too fast from the mobs! (health and damage should be balanced!)

Step9: done :D

How to play with the RPG-System??

(Everything in Gamemode 0/Survival mode)

The first thing you have to do to play really is: Selecting a class! simply type the command /class and a class selector opens. Pick the class you like and close the inventory again! you should also get your first sword now. See /stats for your level, class, damage, armor, critchance and critdamage, and so on!

Well, as you may see (with the new version 1.0.BETA.3 and after) the RPG-System takes most of the inventory-freedom. instead of equipping yourself in your own inventory you have to equip yourself in the armor-inventory! - just press key 8 and it opens.

The 4 slots in the middle are for helmet, chestplate, leggings and boots. the one free slot in the left upper corner is for your sword/axe/bow. The one in the right upper corner is for your Gemstones. the two slots in the lower right and the lower left corner dont have a meaning so far...

Once you put some equipment in these slots they will equip you automatically when you close the inventory! See /stats to see differences in damage, armor, health and other.

Simply kil mobs now and level up, get better equipment and level faster, and so on... Once you reach level 30 you get your first ability! you can fire it with simply pressing the key 3! but be sure you hit the right one because after fireing the ability it would have some cooldown before you can use it again! Same with the gemstones you equip. put the gemstone in your hand and right-click to fire it. if you dont hit anything it will have 2 seconds cooldown; if you hit somebody it will have the cooldown shown in the items description! (If you play with a bow you wont have a gemstone at all...)

If you level higher than 6 you can level up skills in the skillinventory (press key 7). you need to level from the top to the bottom and each item 5 times until you can level the item 1 slot below. obviously you dont have infinite skillpoints so you have to think twice what you want to level up.

After all that fight, level up, gear up and find the best loot you can find!!

TODO / Planned Update Features

Working on system stability

  • Adding an API for easier access to certain options of the system
  • Adding Questsystem
  • Fixxes on highlevel equipment
  • Make the skilltree bigger.
  • Make legendary Itemnames configureable
  • 1.7.2 Adding the possibility to post your loot in the chat

Please post errors you get in the comments below, since this is a beta more or less expect some bugs...


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