Classes and Skills

Classes and Skills

The Plugin has 3 Classes:

  • Warrior
  • Archer
  • Animalspirit


Every Class has a bit of Skills:


  1. Ignore Damage: As a Warrior you have a Chance of 30% to ignore Damage!
  2. Rampage: If you have 50 XP and you kill a enemy you get in Ramapage so you get Speed2 and Strongness1 for 20 sec and Regeneration3 for 3 sec!
  3. Lightning Strike: If you have 100 XP and you right Click(with a Diamond or Iron Axe) on a Mob or Player you will spawn a Lightning on it!
  4. Get more Live: If you have 100 XP you get 1 Heart if you kill 25 enemy's, you can have 20 Heart max!


  1. Poisoned Arrow's: As a Archer you have a Chance of 40% to give your Enemy's Poison2 for 5 sec!
  2. Explosive Arrow's: If you have 50 XP and you shoot a Arrow it will Explode after 1 sec! It have 1 sec Cooldown!
  • More Skills will come soon!


  1. Squid: In Squid Mode you have a chance of 40% to give you Enemy's Blindness2 for 3 sec!
  2. Spider: In Spider Mode you have a chance of 40% to give you Enemy's Poison2 for 3 sec!
  3. Enderman: In Enderman Mode you get no Damage from Ender Pearls and you have a chance of 40% that the Ender Pearls is not consumed!
  4. Pig: In Pig Mode you have a Chance of 50% to get Resistance2 for 5 sec when you get Damage!
  5. Rabbit: In Rabbit Mode you have a Chance of 50% to get Speed and Jump Boost for 5 sec when you get Damage!
  • To Change the Mode you have to Click on a Oak Wood Block and over the Oak Wood must be a Torch! Like This: click


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