Roleplay Engine

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

RPEngine is the solution for your roleplay server. It manages everything from chat to player cards, nations, races and more


!Without these plugins installed RPEngine won't work!

Some functions of the RPEngine

RPEngine has a fully integrated chat system with 2 chat channels, OOC (Out of Character) and RP (RolePlay). The OOC chat is global while RP chat is set to go a configurable distance (default 35 blocks). The chat system is also compatible with permission plugins like permissions ex and shows player prefixes and suffixes in the OOC chat

The RP chat has a few formatting tricks:

Emotes For expressing all of your character's actions! Simply use the * symbol in front of your action. For example: *walked in a circle around the flowers. Shows up as George walked in a circle around the flowers
This uses your character's name as defined in the character card. If you use quotations it'll color the text white. This helps detonate speech.


OOC in the RP chat Sometimes you need to tell the people you're rping with something, out of character. But there is no need for the whole server to see your message. So you send your message in the rp chat. Put (( in front of your message and it will turn grey so people know it's out of character


Character Cards
Used for displaying information about your character. Use /card to view your cards. You can either /card [value] to set values or you can directly click on the text that pops up. Since the plugin sends you json messages instead of plain text messages you can interact with the chat, so instead of remembering all the commands to edit your card you can click on the values to edit them

Character Card

Birds are a way of sending long distance messages in roleplay. It wouldn't be realistic for your message to arrive instantly at the recipient, so the bird is a message that takes time to arrive to it's destination. The amount of time a bird takes depends on the distance between the two players and the configured speed of the birds (default: 20 blocks/s)


Do you want to let chance decide what happens next to your character? How about a roll. It gives you a random number between 1 and the max you set with /roll [maxRoll]


Countdown The countdown is something players can use before they start their rp or pvp battle.



Dev Builds - Not recommended for use on servers. We'll release build that are stable and meant for your server on this bukkit page
Jenkins Jenkins


  • /card opens: your card
    • /card name [name]: Change your rp name
    • /card age [age]: Change your characters age
    • /card gender [male/female]: Set your characters gender
    • /card race [race]: Set your characters race (races are defined in the config)
    • /card nation [nation]: Set your character nation (nations are defined in the config)
    • /card desc [description]: Add a decription about your character
  • /rp: Switch to the rp chat
  • /ooc: Switch to the ooc chat
  • /toggleooc: Disable or enable the ooc chat
  • /whisper [message]: whisper something in rp (smaller range)
  • /shout [message]: shout something in rp (bigger range)
  • /bird [player] [message]: send a bird to a player
  • /roll [max]: Roll the dice
  • /countdown [startNumber]: start a countdown from [startNumber] to 1
  • /spawnpoint: teleport to your own nations spawnpoint (require rpengine.spawnpoint.own)
    • /spawnpoint [nation]: teleport to other nations spawnpoints (requires rpengine.spawnpoint.others)
    • /spawnpoint set [nation]: set a nations spawnpoint (require rpengine.spawnpoint.own or rpengine.spawnpoint.all)


    description: Allows you to your own nations spawnpoint
    description: Allows you to set the spawnpoint for all nations
    description: Allows teleport to own nations spawnpoint
    description: Allows teleport to other nations


#Database type, either sqlite or mysql
databasetype: sqlite
table-prefix: rpen_

#MySQL Connection settings, only needed when databasetype is set to mysql
  host: localhost
  user: root
  password: 1234
  database: minecraft
  port: 3306

debug: false

chatEnabled: true
rpRange: 35
whisperRange: 5
shoutRange: 50
logOOC: true
logRP: false

#MaxAge for if nothing is defined at the race:
MaxAge: 75
    Color: BLUE
    MaxAge: 150
    Plural: Humans
    spawnX: 52
    spawnY: 66
    spawnZ: 4
    spawnYaw: 0
    spawnPitch: 0
    spawnWorld: world
# Speed in block per second for birds
speed: 20

#Max for countdown and rolls
maxRoll: 100
maxCountdown: 20

#The cooldown in-between card changes in seconds
cardCooldown: 600

#Player health (20 is one full row of hearts and the default value)
playerHealth: 40

# What language messages are sent in
language: en_us



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 9, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Jul 14, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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