
Well, so how do we create routes now?
First of all, let's take a look at what a route is composed of:

  • ... an intro-message, that is shown to the player when he starts following the route.
  • ... at least one trigger. A trigger is a certain area (a cuboid, just like you know them from WorldEdit or something similar). It also contains its trigger-message, that is displayed to a routing player when he enters this area.
  • ... the target-trigger, which will finish the route when entered.

After you started creating a route (/rp create), you need to set the intro-message (/rp intro) and add some triggers. To do that, select an area with the triggerSelectionItem (see config below) and use /rp addtrigger <message> to add it as a trigger to the current route.

When you are done with all the triggers, set the target one using its ID (/rp settarget) and save the route with /rp save. You can also take this command to show you what is missing for a complete route.

When you saved the route successfully, users can now follow them with /rp <routename>. They will get their instructions by the texts you specified - so keep them understandable!

Using signs

You can also start a route by right-clicking a sign.

To create such a sign, simply write "RoutePlanner" (without the quotes, case-sensitive!) on any line of a sign and put the routename on the line below. Obviously, "RoutePlanner" can't go on the last line, since it you then wouldn't have any line below for the name ;-)

This can actually also be used for canceling a route. To do that, just type cancel instead of the routename.

This does check for permissions the same way as if you would perform the regular command.