Rock Paper Scissors

A basic Rock Paper Scissors(RPS for short) plugin! You can challenge your friends to a game of RPS. This plugin does allow for one person to be challenging multiple people at the same time. You can also remind your friends about a game if the chat got drowned out or they just forgot. This is also my first plugin! ;)

Notice: I am testing this plugin in 1.5 Bukkit but I've also tried it in 1.6. So this plugin compatible with both versions.


/RPS <Start|Reply> <Player> <Rock|Paper|Scissors> - Start or reply to a game.

/RPS nudge <Player> - Reminds your opponent about the game you started with them.

/RPS cancel <Player> - Cancels and deletes any sort of existing game between you and the defined player.

In-game, by typing /RPS, you will get the usage of the commands if you forgot.


For a player to be able to use the RPS commands, they must have this permission node:


Known Bugs

All I know right now is just some errors that I need to work on catching when using the command improperly. If you find anything else, please report it. :)

Planned Features

- [Added in 2.2] Be able to deny games

- Wager money

Other suggestions are welcome!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 8, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jul 12, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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