No more support here! For updated versions have a look there!
Ever wanted to own and ride a Enderdragon? Now you can!
/dragon - To buy a dragon or, if you already own one, ride on it.
/dragon locate - To locate your dragon with a compass.
/dragon remove - To remove your own dragon.
/dragon spawn - To spawn a wild dragon.
/dragon removeall - To remove all dragons in all worlds. WARNING: Use this only in case of emergency.
/dragon removeall world - To remove all dragons in the world "world".
/dragon speed X.Y - To set the speed of rided dragons to X.Y - Please note that I don't recommend setting values below 0.9. Higher values may even crash your server! Also note that a player can feed the dragon to get a max of +1.0 speed. You have been warned!
/dragon height X - To set the min. height for dragons to X in the world you're in.
/dragon height world name X - To set the min. height for dragons to X in the world "world name".
/dragon protect (world name) - To completely protect the world you are in (or "world name", if given) from dragons destroying/flying into blocks!
/dragon WorldGuard - To prevent dragons from flying into WorldGuard regions. Disabled by default!
/dragon BananaRegion - To prevent dragons from flying into BananaRegion regions. Disabled by default!
/dragon towny - To prevent dragons from flying into towns. Disabled by default!
/dragon residence - To prevent dragons from flying into Residence regions. Disabled by default!
/dragon factions - To prevent dragons from flying into Factions regions. Disabled by default!
/dragon cost X - To set the price to summon a dragon to X. 0 to disable dragon costs. This will only work if your server runs with Vault!
/dragon texture http://www.example.com/dragon.png - To change the URL for the texture (you need the SpoutPlugin and Spoutcraft to see the texture) to http://www.example.com/dragon.png - The link has to be accessible for the public.
/dragon owntexture http://www.example.com/owndragon.png - To change the URL for the texture (you need the SpoutPlugin and Spoutcraft to see the texture) to http://www.example.com/owndragon.png - The link has to be accessible for the public.
Please note that all protective commands only work for summoned dragons!
/Update RideThaDragon - to update this plugin. Have a look here for more information.
Permissions (superPerms)
ridetha.dragon - To use the /dragon command. Defaults to all.
ridetha.admin - To use the /dragon subcommands. Defaults to op.
ridetha.locate - To use /dragon locate. Defaults to all.
ridetha.remove - To use /dragon remove. Defaults to all.
ridetha.inv - To be able to look into the your dragon inventory. Defaults to all.
ridetha.allinvs - To be able to look in every dragon inventory. Defaults to op.
ridetha.shoot - To be able to shoot fireballs with left-clicking. Defaults to op.
autoupdate.announce - Users with this node will be notified about new updates. Defaults to op.
autoupdate.update.ridethadragon - Users with this node will be able to use /update this plugin. Defaults to op.
for more information about the autoupdate nodes have a look here.
Dragon control
Controlling your dragon is simple: Look in the direction you want it to fly.
Use the sneaking key to toggle the parking brake.
Since v4.0 you can control the dragon with the arrow keys! For that to work the server needs the SpoutPlugin and the player Spoutcraft. Both is completely optional.
Since v5.0 you can let your dragon shoot a fireball with a left click while riding on it.
Dragon inventory
Since v5.0 each dragon has a inventory. To access it simply right click your dragon!
Dragon feeding
To make your dragon temporary faster right click it with a golden apple in your hand. Every apple will give +0.1 speed (max: +1.0 speed).
Thanks to Danither for making this video!
This plugin was discontinued a long time ago. Some people have updated it a bit in the comments, but I'm not sure if they still work, and last I checked they were still a bit buggy.
Same thing. There is no longer any official support. You can try to find someone to make their own versions of this or try to tackle it on yourself, but I don't think they can release it on the repo here because the project still belongs to V10lator.
When 1.7.9 version of the RideThaDragon will come ?
I can test the plugin for you and help you with the plugin of you want?
How i can get this plugin for 1.7.2?
i working on that on last feel commits... don't have time to test all , but it you test for me will help !
By the way, I just wanted to say that I love the work you're doing with the plugin, but for the safety of my server's map and so no one cheats, I cannot download and use RideThaDragon until the portal and xp bugs are fixed. I am super excited to start using it soon, though, and so are many of my players! :D
You can check out stutiguias's GitHub for a latest build of RideThaDragon. Sadly, the main developer has stopped working on it and the other person who updated it in the comments stopped updating, so now stutiguias is updating it, and it works in the latest version, with not too many bugs I don't think. She commented below with some links, so check those out!
How Much Does it Cost To Buy A Dragon If you do /dragon?
Hi, Were i can download the vision for 1.7.4 or 1.7.2?? You can add me also on Skype when you have the answer: TheBuffXY
i need to fix that bug and others bug... working on that... right now not safe to use! report at https://github.com/stutiguias/RideThaDragon/issues
:) working
Looking forward to it!
Ok awesome! :D It seems as the last developer who updated this has become inactive, so I'm glad someone has finally taken up the project again! I am just wondering if you updated any of the previous bugs, such as some really bad control stuff, dragons able to be killed and dropping XP and dragon portals, etc. Some of those bugs were very important to fix. Either way, I will still have to wait to be able to use this again, as my server is having a few CPU issues with our host and are trying to avoid installing or enabling anything for awhile.
not need i already make a version for 1.7 and its work ( need to fix some bugs, not stable yet ) ... i update and clean all code... and put all in one jar with no depends... :) ( stutiguias.com )
The original developer stopped developing for Bukkit, but a commenter has released some updated versions. However, none of them work in 1.7 builds. If you want to download them, don't use Firefox, as there's a weird bug with it.
This plugin not update for more then a year now ( 1.4.5 DEC 19 2012 ) .. i need this and i will update ! :)
Hey, would you be able to add the option that dragons will always be despawned once a player dismounts them? That would be very useful. Thanks for the great work on this plugin! :D
~IMPORTANT!!!~~ I don't want to sound like a spammer, but it IS important. libigot.org is down...I get a gray screen when I go on it...
Hello there . I just wana say I just found a really bad bug for pvp servers. It is : You type /dragon , you ride your dragon hi , after double spacebar and then /dragon remove. This bug gave /fly to players who have access to the dragon. So they can fly legaly and didn't get kicked.
Thanks to look at this.
behaves as the "lag" with this plugin? Imagine 40 people using the dragon. ever tried?
Nice work, the start controls were shitty & confusing, glad they're now fixed. Please also update the very rather limited fireballs shot from the dragon as the control for them is unclear.