
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



Have you ever wanted to reward your players for staying with your server, but you couldn't find anyone willing to stay on 24/7 to reward all of your trusty users?
Look no further, because this does exactly that for you! And the best part is that it is automatic, so no one has to go around on the server and find everyone's name and reward then with a random item for staying on. This plugin automatically gives every player on the server a random amount of a random item, every 20 minutes.
For instance, If you were to have 5 people on your server, all of them would get different items, and all of them would get random amounts.
Say, Jon6785, Applefries1234, bob123, and player401254 are all on your server
In 20 minutes, Jon6785 might get 28 steel doors, Applefries1234 might get 14 coal, bob123 might get 32 record number 5s, and player401254 might get 16 Redstone ore.
Then, in another 20 minutes, they would all get different items, and different amounts of them.

I intended for this to be used on survival servers, where people received items as a reward for playing.
I got the idea to make this plugin from another server which used to have a plugin like this, but for an unknown reason, removed it.
I wanted it for my server, but I looked and looked, and couldn't find anything like it.
If you know (or are) the creator of a plugin similar or exactly like this, please tell me, and I will remove my version. If you know about one, please also include a link to the site the plugin, and the author's name.
The items that this will give people are shown in the linked picture.

Installation and configuration

There is no configuration, no commands, just drop it into your plugins folder and it will run.


As the random generator in Java tends to pick higher numbers over lower numbers, you will most likely get between 18-27 of that item, and items with a higher Data Value.
If you encounter any other bugs, please report them!


Included in the JAR file. Feel free to edit it, as you see fit, but please give me some credit (like that I created it)


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