
While /resourcemadness is the original command, the following commands are using the more convenient alias /rm. Both work equally.

For users that use permissions, keep in mind that some functions may be hidden if you choose to not include the relevant permission nodes.

Also check the config file (config.txt), which may contain a lock on certain commands, making them unchangeable.

You can omit the [id] from commands if you so desire. If you do, you will be prompted to choose the game with which to interact.
/rm info - This will prompt the player to choose a game.
/rm [id] info - This will run the action on game [id] directly.


/rm [page]
Show main commands.

/rm add
Add/Create a game.

/rm [id] remove
Remove an existing game. You must be the owner.

/rm list [page]
Show a list of all games on the server. Only advertised games will be shown.
/rm list - Show the first page of the list.
/rm list 3 - Show the third page.

/rm commands [page]
Show a list of commands and aliases.
/rm commands - Show the first page of the list.
/rm commands 3 - Show the third page.


/rm [id] info
Show a game's info.

/rm [id] info found
Show what items a game contains. A game stores all the items that were gathered during matches.

/rm info items
Show the items you can claim.

/rm info reward
Show the reward you can claim.

/rm info tools
Show the tools you can claim.

/rm info claim
Show everything you can claim.


/rm [id] settings [page]
Show a game's settings.

/rm [id] settings reset
Reset a game's settings to those in the config file.

/rm set [page]
Show commands to change settings.

/rm [id] set minplayers [amount]
Set the min required players for a game. This takes players from all teams into account.
/rm set minplayers 4 - Set minplayers to 4.

/rm [id] set maxplayers [amount]
Set the max allowed players for a game. This takes players from all teams into account.
/rm set maxplayers 8 - Set maxplayers to 8.

/rm [id] set minteamplayers [amount]
Set the min required team players for a game.
/rm set minteamplayers 2 - Set minteamplayers to 2.

/rm [id] set maxteamplayers [amount]
Set the max allowed team players for a game.
/rm set maxteamplayers 4 - Set maxteamplayers to 4.

/rm [id] set timelimit [amount]
Set the match time limit in minutes.
/rm set timelimit 10 - Set timelimit to 10.

/rm [id] set random [amount]
Set amount of items that are picked from the filter randomly every match.
/rm set random 10 - For example, if filter contains more than 10 items, this will pick 10 items randomly on match start.

/rm [id] set advertise
Choose if a game is advertised in the list of games.
/rm set advertise true

/rm [id] set restore
Choose if world changes made by game players should be restored automatically.
/rm set restore true

/rm [id] set warp [true/false]
Choose if players are teleported to game at game start/finish.
/rm set warp true

/rm [id] set midgamejoin
Choose if players are allowed to join/quit a match in progress.
/rm set midgamejoin false

/rm [id] set healplayer
Choose if player's should be healed when the game starts.
/rm set clearinventory true

/rm [id] set clearinventory
Choose if player's inventories should be emptied at game start. They can reclaim their items when the game ends.
/rm set clearinventory true

/rm [id] set foundasreward
Choose if the game's found items should be used as reward.
/rm set foundasreward true

/rm [id] set warnunequal
Choose if you should be warned when the reward/tools can't be distributed to players equally.
/rm set warnunequal true

/rm [id] set allowunequal
Choose if you allow that unequal distribution of reward/tools to players.
/rm set allowunequal false

/rm [id] set warnhacked
Choose if you should be warned when adding hacked items.
/rm set warnhacked true

/rm [id] set allowhacked
Choose if you allow the use of hacked items.
/rm set allowhacked false

/rm [id] set infinitereward
Choose if you want the reward to never run out.
/rm set infinitereward false

/rm [id] set infinitetools
Choose if you want the tools to never run out.
/rm set infinitetools false


/rm [id] mode
Cycle through the available interface modes.

/rm [id] mode filter
Change the interface mode to filter.

/rm [id] mode reward
Change the interface mode to reward.

/rm [id] mode tools
Change the interface mode to tools.


/rm [id] filter
Show the filter commands.

/rm [id] filter info
Show a game's filter.

/rm [id] filter [material/id]/all/block/item:[amount/stack]
This command adds and sets the filtered items to the amount you specify.
/rm filter 1,3,4:64 - Set each of the items 1(stone),3(dirt),4(cobblestone) to the amount of 64.
/rm filter stone,dirt,cobblestone:64 - Set each of the items 1(stone),3(dirt),4(cobblestone) to the amount of 64.
/rm filter 1-5,glass-chest - Set each of the items 1-5,20-54 to the amount of 1.
/rm filter all:64 - Set each of the items to the amount of 64.
/rm filter block:32-128 - Set each of the items that are blocks to the amount of 32-128.
/rm filter item:stack - Set each of the items that are not blocks to the amount of it's max stack value.

Let's look at a complex example:
/rm filter 1-5 6-9:32 10-20,22,24:stack 27-35:8-32
Set each of the items 1-5 to the amount of 1.
Set each of the items 6-9 to the amount of 32.
Set each of the items 10-20,22(lapis_block),24(sandstone) to the amount of it's max stack value.
Set each of the items 27-35 to the amount of 8-32.

/rm [id] filter random [amount] [material/id]/all/block/item:[amount/stack]
Designate items from which to choose. Randomly pick [amount] of items and add them to game filter.
/rm filter random 10 all:32 - Choose from all items. Randomly pick 10 and set each of those items to the amount of 32.
/rm filter random 20 1-100,260,264 266 270 - Choose items 1-100,260(apple),264(diamond),266(gold_ingot),270(wooden_pickaxe). Randomly pick 20 and set each of those items to the amount of 1.

/rm [id] filter add [material/id]/all/block/item
Add desired amount of items to those already in filter.
/rm filter add 4,6,stone,dirt:20 - Add an amount of 20 to items 4(cobblestone),6(sapling),1(stone) and 3(dirt).
/rm filter add 20-30 torch chest:20 - Add an amount of 1 to items 20-30,50(torch) and an amount of 20 to 54(chest).

/rm [id] filter subtract [material/id]/all/block/item
Subtract desired amount of items from those already in filter.
/rm filter subtract 1,4,glass,wood:20 - Subtract an amount of 20 from items 1,4,20(glass),5(wood).
/rm filter subtract 1-10 glass coal:20 - Subtract an amount of 1 from items 1-10,20(glass) and an amount of 20 from 263(coal).

/rm [id] filter clear [material/id]/all/block/item
Clear desired items from game filter.
/rm filter clear 1-100 280 288 - Remove items 1-100,280(stick) and 288(feather) from filter.
/rm filter clear - Remove all items from filter.


/rm [id] reward
Show the reward commands.

/rm [id] reward info
Show a game's reward.

/rm [id] reward [material/id]/all/block/item:[amount/stack]
This command adds and sets the reward items to the amount specified. If infinite reward is disabled, the items are taken from your inventory.
/rm reward 20,6,dirt,log - Set each of the items 20(glass),6(sapling),3(dirt),17(log) to the amount of 1.
/rm reward block:48 - Set each of the items that are blocks to the amount of 48.

/rm [id] reward add [material/id]/all/block/item
Add desired amount of items to those already in reward.
/rm reward add 1,3,4:10 5,6:20 - Add an amount of 10 to items 1(stone),3(dirt),4(cobblestone) and an amount of 20 to 5(wood),6(sapling).
/rm reward add 10-40 wool 344:20 - Add an amount of 1 to items 10-40,35(wool) and an amount of 20 to 344(egg).

/rm [id] reward subtract [material/id]/all/block/item
Subtract desired amount of items from those already in reward.
/rm reward subtract diamond_sword,stick:5 - Subtract an amount of 5 from items 276(diamond_sword) and 280(stick).
/rm reward subtract egg,200-300:stack 50:40 - Subtract an amount of the item's max stack value from items 344(egg),200-300 and an amount of 40 from 50(torch).

/rm [id] reward clear
Clear desired items from game reward. If infinite reward is disabled, the items are put into your inventory.
/rm reward clear 20-80,96 - Remove items 20-80 and 96(trapdoor) from filter.
/rm reward clear - Remove all items from reward.


/rm [id] tools
Show the tools commands.

/rm [id] tools info
Show a game's tools.

/rm [id] tools [material/id]/all/block/item:[amount/stack]
This command adds and sets the tools items to the amount specified. If infinite tools are disabled, the items are taken from your inventory.
/rm tools 256,257 - Set each of the items 256(iron_shovel) and 257(iron_pickaxe) to the amount of 1.
/rm tools feather,stick 256,257:2 - Set each of the items (288)feather,(280)stick to the amount of 1 and each of the items 256(iron_shovel),257(iron_pickaxe) to the amount of 2.

/rm [id] tools add [material/id]/all/block/item
Add desired amount of items to those already in tools.
/rm tools add 5,17,20:100 - Add an amount of 100 to items 5(wood),17(log) and 20(glass).
/rm tools add 319-321:stack 323:10 - Add an amount of the item's max stack value to items 319-321 and an amount of 10 to 323(sign).

/rm [id] tools subtract [material/id]/all/block/item
Subtract desired amount of items from those already in tools.
/rm tools subtract 295,289:16 - Subtract an amount of 16 from items 295(seeds) and 289(sulphur).
/rm tools subtract 32-64:128 - Subtract an amount of 128 from items 32-64.

/rm [id] tools clear
Clear desired items from game tools. If infinite tools are disabled, the items are put into your inventory.
/rm tools clear 264,266 - Remove items 264(diamond) and 266(gold_ingot) from filter.
/rm tools clear - Remove all items from tools.


/rm template
Show the template commands.

/rm template list [page]
Show a list of all your saved templates.
/rm template list - Show the first page of the list.
/rm template list 3 - Show the third page.

/rm [id] template load [template]
Save a game's filter/reward/tools from a template.
/rm template load 3v3_fast - Load the 3v3_fast template.
/rm template load 1v1v1v1_match - Load the 1v1v1v1_match template.

/rm [id] template save [template]
Save a game's filter/reward/tools to a template.
/rm template save 3v3_fast - Save the 3v3_fast template.
/rm template save 1v1v1v1_match - Save the 1v1v1v1_match template.

/rm template remove [template]
Remova a template.
/rm template remove 3v3_fast - Remove the 3v3_fast template.
/rm template remove 3v3_fast 1v1v1v1_match projectd - Remove templates 3v3_fast, 1v1v1v1_match and projectd.


/rm [id] start
Start a game.

/rm [id] start [amount]
Start a game and pick [amount] of items randomly from filter on the fly.
/rm start 10 - For example, if filter contains more than 10 items, this will pick 10 items randomly on match start.

/rm [id] stop
Stop a game.

/rm [id] pause
Pause a game.

/rm [id] resume
Resume a game.

/rm [id] restore
Restore world changes for a game. Can only be used when a game is not in progress.


/rm [id] join [team color]
Join a game.
/rm join - Join a team.
/rm 3 join green - Join the green team of game id 3.

/rm quit
Quit a team.

/rm ready
Get ready.

/rm items
Show items you need to gather. This works only in-game.

/rm item
Show item commands.

/rm item [material/id]
Find material's id or id's material.
/rm item 1,glass,3,coal - Show items 1(stone),20(glass),3(dirt),263(coal). Result: 1:stone, glass:20, 3:dirt, coal:263
/rm item stone 20 dirt 263 - Show items 1(stone),20(glass),3(dirt),263(coal). Result: stone:1, 20:glass, dirt:3, 263:coal
/rm item 1-4 - Show items 1-4. Result: 1:stone, 2:grass, 3:dirt, 4.cobblestone


/rm chat
Show chat commands. Chat works only in-game.

/rm chat world [message]
Regular world chat. Chat with everyone on the server.
/rm chat world - Switch to world chat. All chat messages will be sent to everyone on the server.
/rm chat world hello there - Send message "hello there" to everyone on the server.

/rm chat game [message]
Chat with all team in the game.
/rm chat game - Switch to game chat. All chat messages will be sent to all teams in the game.
/rm chat game hello there - Send message "hello there" to all teams in the game.

/rm chat team [message]
Chat with your team.
/rm chat team - Switch to team chat. All chat messages will be sent to your team.
/rm chat team hello there - Send message "hello there" to your team.


/rm claim
Show claim commands.

/rm [id] claim found
Claim items a game contains. Only the game owner can do this.
/rm claim found - Claim all items a game contains.
/rm claim found sapling:20 - Claim the item 6(sapling) with an amount of 20 from a games's found items.

/rm [id] claim found chest
Claim items a game contains to a chest. Only the game owner can do this.
/rm claim found chest - Claim all items a game contains to a chest.
/rm claim found chest 200-300:stack - Claim the items 20-35, each with an amount of it's max stack value, from a game's found items to a chest.

/rm claim items
Claim your items.
/rm claim items - Claim all your items.
/rm claim items coal:50 280:stack - Claim the item 263(coal) with an amount of 50 and the item 280(stick) with an amount of it's max stack value from your items.

/rm claim items chest
Claim your items to a chest.
/rm claim items chest - Claim all your items to a chest.
/rm claim items chest 1-100 - Claim the items 1-100, each with an amount of 1, from your items to a chest.

/rm claim reward
Claim your reward.
/rm claim reward - Claim your reward.
/rm claim reward glass:20 torch:5 - Claim the items 20(glass) nad 5(torch), each with an amount of 64, from your reward.

/rm claim reward chest
Claim your reward to a chest.
/rm claim reward chest - Claim your reward to a chest.
/rm claim reward chest 4,3:15 - Claim the items 4(cobblestone) and 3(dirt), each with an amount of 15, from your reward to a chest.

/rm claim tools
Claim your tools.
/rm claim tools - Claim your tools.
/rm claim tools stone:64 - Claim the item 1(stone) with an amount of 64 from your tools.

/rm claim tools chest
Claim your tools to a chest.
/rm claim tools chest - Claim your tools to a chest.
/rm claim tools chest wood:10 - Claim the item 5(wood) with an amount of 10 from your tools to a chest.


/rm save
Admin command to save game data. Can be used by ops if permissions plugin is not found.


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